Call to action
Bad publicity is a proven effective method to decrease recruitment and encourage current members to think/leave.
Please take 30 seconds out of your day today to send an email asking the New York Times to cover the story linked above.
It costs you nothing and could potentially have a positive impact on potential/actual cult victims.
So far a few people have. I am trying to demonstrate to the NYT that their readers are interested in this story so they will be more likely to cover it.
No matter your opinion on this complex issue, I am sure most will agree that publicizing this issue in the biggest newspaper in the home state of the worldwide wts could easily impact many lives in a very positive way.
Scroll down to the bottom of page 1 of that thread for instructions.
Someone asked for a script to copy and paste into the body of her email. It's my understanding the media/officials often use email filters to "junk" emails if they all say the same thing. This saves them the time of reading repetitive emails. Sending a link to Barbara Anderson's web page (link in the other thread) and adding 1-2 sentences in your own words requesting they cover the story should do it.