I would like to buy him a gift for the 2 months.... nothing cheese or that would mean toooooo much, .... Im lost lol some advice??
2 months dating and
by Dudu 25 Replies latest social relationships
Witness My Fury
Depends if he''s 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76....
He is 25 :)
Go out and treat yourself to some nice underwear. You know what I'm sayin'...
Band on the Run
Men can misconstrue your intention so easily. The underwear is a gift for both of you. He won't feel as though he is supposed to produce a ring. Plus, after only two months, do you really know his taste to hazard a guess of a gift? Something inexpensive and comical might work but it is chancy. Underwear is the way to go.
No Room For George
A tool set or tool box, tickets to the game, anything from Best Buy, Steve Madden boots, a case of beer, a nice bomber jacket, oh and did I mention some Steve Madden boots I still rock Timbs myself, but not as much as they hurt my feet, but my father has a really nice pair of Madden boots, and I seen other guys with the same boots, and they're sick to me. No Country For Old Men has me feeling cowboy boots as of late too.
Broken Promises
Are you going to do this every two months? Every 3 months?
I've never seen the need to give gifts for dating on a monthly basis, unless you don't see the r'ship lasting more than a year. And if it's not going to last more than a year, why waste your money on them?
Wait until you've been dating for a year, and then it's something worth buying a gift for.
Just take him out somewhere or buy something not too expensive. If he's a gamer, buy him a game. Tickets to a concert or sporting event or a movie. Treat him to dinner. Buy him a bottle of liquor. Don't make a big deal out of two months or he might think you are too clingy.
No Room For George
Sponser a trip to Bethel, and invite him. There's truly no travelling experience that can compare to a Bethel tour. Maybe you'll meet one of the faithful and discreet slave, maybe even the black one. He's like the Jackie Robinson of the annointed and I heard he signs Bibles.
Broken Promises
Buy matching rings with "Dudu and _____ forever".
He will be pleased that you view your r'ship as permanent so soon into the r'ship.