I've gone from being indifferent to becoming an full fledge non believer in anything much. I guess I'm now a "No-Hova" witness. There's nothing about the WT or the Bible for that matter that holds any importance in my life or death. I finally have a name for it (as if I needed one.) How many others are No-Hovas with me?
I have decided that I am a now a "No-Hova Witness", how about you?
by Wasanelder Once 30 Replies latest jw friends
congrats! you've been on this site for 6 years and just decided this? wow. unfortunately it is a scam. would of been nice if it were real. these guys are the height of arrogance/pious/idiocy though. one thing i learned/realized recently...probably from contemplating some of the reading on this board, along with past knowledge. they call the sisters what? some kind of mighty force or something? i realized if most sisters had access the way brothers did..most of them would be gone themselves. it's so much easier to keep them deluded, because they are really really stifled from getting any kind of access to facts, while inside. it's so easy to keep their minds under control as opposed to the brothers. it's not their fault, they are trying to do what they are thinking is right. (well some). if you could show them how ridiculous they are though, and how their entire mind set is totally a fabrication, i bet a lot of them would just freak out. realizing everything they are doing is based off a vision of a bunch of misled men. (not the will of god, lol). sad story. go do what jesus told you to do, go feed the hungry. wasn't compassion supposed to be the centerpoint of the ideology? they are heavily deluded.
as an elder i'm sure you saw a lot of egregious behavior behind the scenes, and you must know the structure and foundation are corrupt.
Wasanelder Once
CptKirk: Kinda foggy there. I meant to say that I left the WT over 6 years ago but thought maybe their was something beneficial in a God. I've struggled with this one all my life thinking that the Jehovah was the answer. Now I see that God is a concept, to quote a Beatle. I'm willing to join the ranks of the declared unbelievers. I just thought No-Hova sounded cool. Take a pill.
to quote predator, 'it's all bullshit, all of it'.
Hey Nohova, I'm with you, but did it in a different order. It was when I realized the bible was just a book written by men to explain the god they had made up that I left the org.
AK - Jeff
I have joined that No-Hova ranks. It was gradual, but now I am willing to use atheist to describe myself.
I think that god is just a concept, a construct of our ancestors that is hard to shake in our culture. I surprise myself everyday when I look in the mirror and see a non-believer starring back at me, especially given my level of devotion for the first 5 decades of my life.
Welcome to the club.
I surprise myself everyday when I look in the mirror and see a non-believer starring back at me, especially given my level of devotion for the first 5 decades of my life.
I KNOW what you mean Jeff! I texted my brother, whose a lifelong atheist, and asked him if there were any rules to being an atheist. To be ironic. He texted back, "just the golden rule . . . if you like". I always thought I would convince him. Things didn't go as planned.
i realized if most sisters had access the way brothers did..most of them would be gone themselves. it's so much easier to keep them deluded, because they are really really stifled from getting any kind of access to facts, while inside.
I was a pioneering Elder's daughter back in the late '60s. There was no internet back then and sisters were kept just as much in the background as they are today. However, I had a naturally enquiring mind and was already very troubled by the shunning rule which I found totally obhorrent. Also, I was troubled by an order from the platform that we were no longer allowed to keep Society books on our shelves that were written before a certain date (including all Russell and most of Rutherford's books) as they were out of date due to all the 'New Light', and could therefore damage our spirituality if we read them. What???!!! Mere, lowly sister that I was, I still smelled something fishy.
I found out the truth about 'The Truth' by reading my way through a collection of Russell and Rutherford's books that I found on an elderly brother's bookshelf when I was helping to care for him. He had either not heard this order or simply ignored it. I could not believe the things I was reading. I was truly shocked at the changes that had taken place in the basic doctrines and right there and then I sussed out the truth about The Truth! My faith started to crumble away and from that moment on I was finding faults in all the doctrines, reading Watchtower literature with a critical mind instead of just absorbing it like I should have done. I was well on my way to becoming a concious 'No-Hova Witness' as you put it, even though it took another 20 years for me to eventually escape, luckily with my husband. I have never had any desire to join another religion and feel the bible is a collection of books written by men for power and to keep women in subjection.
So please don't give up on the sisters as being lost causes. In the end it all comes down to having a naturally enquiring mind and being able to think for yourself despite the constant brainwashing and being told how small and insignificant our brains are compared to the men.
Wasanelder Once
Well said Ambersum. It often amazes me that more sisters don't see through the haze though the ones that do are so sensible and admirable.