I know what the answer to the question would be, but I have to post it. And, I don't disagree with Mad Sweeney. I just would like to introduce a different angle.
If I believed in the Aztec religion and wanted to sacrify virgins in the altar to my dear Huitzilopochtli, so he would keep the world going, would the laws on murder be construed as laws restricting my religion? Should I be allowed to sacrify virgins, so I could not claim persecution?
My secular mind tells me that religion is but a construct of the mind and it should be regulated whenever it conflicts with humanity. I think freedom of religion should not be understood to mean freedom to do the worst things and claim that is just my religion.
I sure hope all countries will find a way to do what Australia is doing. It would be quite a pity if America, of all countries, couldn't do that.