You fu**ing bastard!!! God damn!! I almost fell out of my seat!!!
Jesus Christ!...........
by Elsewhere 21 Replies latest jw friends
You fu**ing bastard!!! God damn!! I almost fell out of my seat!!!
Jesus Christ!...........
Pretty cool ani-GIF. I can honestly say that is the first time an ani-gif made my hairs stand up on end, even the second time around!
Scared the bejeeezuz outta me!!
Do another one :o)
Dude, that has to be the scariest thing I have ever seen! I got these flashbacks to when I saw "The Exorcist" when I was a kid. Elsewhere you are going to give someone a heart attack!
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"
Thanks for sharing was neat!
She had the vocabulary of a brothel owner specializing in service to sailors with Tourette's syndrome
WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOoooooooo Scary stuff.
Thanks, Elsewhere
Beck_Melbourne, your message reminded me of what Mortisha said to Gomez in the movie Adam's Family Values: "You frightened me! Do it again."
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
<x ><
Man, I freaked out!!! Then I called my husband and enjoyed watching him freak out.
more would be nice...i'll turn the lights out for the next one :o)
Holy shit, that looked liked the wicked sister in law...she scares the hell out of me every time I see her, thanks a lot!!!!