What I think we need is a short, easily verified, easily remembered, list of the most blatantly dishonest statements in these two Watchtowers.
JWs who trot these mags out and claim, "The answers are all in here!", and hope that is the end of the matter, need a swift reply that puts them in deeper poo than they were in before their publication.
My copy of The Works of Josephus: Complete and Unabridged, New Updated Edition is cheap as chips and does a good job of demonstrating WT dishonesty regarding their chart showing differences between Josepus and ancient scholars. (In reality, there aren't any).
We also need a short list of questions to ask that lead them to doing real research to support their position. Remember that these are people that have been spoon fed for their whole time in the cult. They have to be questions that they think are easy or they won't bother.
We should all be able to drag our Dubs into the local library, or grab a book from our bookshelf or glovebox and get them to read to us information that demonstrates that they have been lied to by the Watchtower and explain themselves to us.
There is no point in explaining to them that the WT is full of it, because they are not listening. They are the teachers .... not you ...... so ask them questions that lead them to telling you that they are full of it.