Can I Please Just Say...

by AGuest 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black

    excetera.... when it is supposed to be etcetera

    expecially....when it's supposed to be especially

    mash potatoes.... when it's supposed to be mashed potatoes

    That is so fun.... when it's supposed to be....that is so much fun

    It's a losing battle though... The mistakes become part of the norm.


  • undercover

    crinamal instead of criminal

    chimley instead of chimney

    raver instead of rather

    neever instead of neither

    tently instead of tentatively

    MACdonalds instead of Mcdonalds

    tree instead of three

    ax instead of asks

    all of the above are regularly said by an acquaintance

  • Robdar

    I've never been one to get my panty hose in a twist if somebody calls it joo-lery but I have been known to raise an eyebrow. Another eyebrow raiser is Ma-suh- too- suhts instead of M a-suh-CHOO-suhts but maybe that is just a southern thang.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Brits also say "Al-loo-MIN-ee-um" for "Aluminum" and "BAZ-il" for "Basil". I've always heard it pronounced "BAY-zil".

    "Expresso" instead of "Espresso"

  • undercover

    Is it NevAda or NevAHda?

    Is it Callahrahdo or Calarado or Calahrado?

  • undercover

    I can't spell it phonetically but the difference between how Brits and Americans say "garage"

  • watersprout
    Brits also say "Al-loo-MIN-ee-um" for "Aluminum" and "BAZ-il" for "Basil". I've always heard it pronounced "BAY-zil".
    "Expresso" instead of "Espresso"

    LMAO! I pronounce all those words you way you have spelt them! Lol

    difference between how Brits and Americans say "garage"

    Round here we say ''garedge''


  • Nickolas

    It's just the vernacular, Shelby. You American folks call the last letter of the alphabet zee while the rest of the world calls it zed. Who's right and who's wrong?

    I was down in SE Texas a number of years ago on a capital construction project and was being toured through by the project manager, who was a native Texan. It was then I learned that in Texas left and right are two syllable words: "To yar lay-yuft y'all gonna see thuh preecipertater and ta yar rye-yut y'all gonna see thuh pie-up-lie-un thut carrys thuh efflu-unt."

  • Nickolas

    I can't spell it phonetically but the difference between how Brits and Americans say "garage"

    The Brits say gare-aj, vs the US grodge.

  • undercover
    The Brits say gare-aj, vs the US grodge.

    Yea... that's it... 'ceptin us down South put two syllables in it. More like ga-rodge

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