Witnesses can vote? My uncle went to prison for neutrality. I wonder if they secretly tend to be Dems or GOPS or Tea Party?
B/c I was young and naive, everything was clear. I don't think Witnesses ever scored points against clergy. Most clergy do not engage them b/c it is a waste of time. I've spoken with several clergy who were attacked at their doors. They find it comical. No clergy ever seems to view them as the enemy or evil. Rather, the Witnesses are regarded as uneducated and mistaken so allowances are made. My father took on a Jesuit about the translation of sheol and lost to his dismay. He was trounced and he freely admitted it to the family. Depression set in.
I was never an adult Witness. When I was young, married people were always faithful. America was not just exceptional but God's chosen. The United States could commit no wrong. Girls could only hope to be teachers, secretaries, or nurses if they were spinsters. Elopement was romantic. Rock Hudson was virile. Good cowboys always wore white hats. Against, this background I can't assess Witness doctrine.
My mom was born in. She would tell me how so much had changed during her lifetime. I scoffed b/c I knew better. Reading posts here about the UN,verlapping generations, beardless Jesus, bearded Jesus, oral sex, blood components are all right ---Does no one keep track?
Witnesses know a few scriptures by rote. Anyone properly churched in the old sense can outdo them. Lawyers talk about data dumping. Receiving so much extraneous, unnecessary documents that the true facts are almost impossible to find. Witnesses data dump. How many Witnesses can analyze the Bible on their own? Little in life can be so detailed strewn and absolute as the Witnesses present. If the Bible is God's word, God certainly is capable of writing less confusing, more consistent and more elegantly than the books we have now.