Confession offers major emotional release. I am always posting not to acknowledge the legitimacy of a board that is going to disfellowship you with no opportunity to advocate for yourself. The only power elders have is the power you give them on a silver platter.
The above is clear to me b/c I've been out for decades. Personally, my family had disdain for elders so we never went to them. In fact, we purposefully stayed as far away from them as possible if there were any pressing concern. Trusted JWs were used in their place. Someone in the Witnesses is already under mind control. We are told to seek their aid. In fact, the Witnesses say Jehovah himself is ordering us to do it. I recall being so terrified of Armageddon and demons.
If your upbringing teaches you not to reveal personal business and not be too deferential, you would not be in the Witnesses in the first place.
I always heard horror stories of lives made much worse by elders. Not understanding children was the main complaint. Perhaps people are helped, though. I vow to write letters of praise and good service for every letter of complaint I send. My vow is broken regularly.