What's the deal with Emma Stone? Plus, Catwoman and Other Nonsense

by sd-7 29 Replies latest social entertainment

  • sd-7

    I feel like I am seeing this woman on like, everything. She's on the cover of 'Entertainment Weekly' this week, and then I pick up the latest issue of 'The Onion', and here's this big interview with her. And last issue of 'Entertainment Weekly' I got in the mail had her in the photo with Andrew Garfield, in a first look at 'The Amazing Spider-Man'.

    Maybe there's something wrong with me, because I didn't really think much of her before, but I'm starting to notice she has really nice eyes. Now I'm worried I'm going to try to watch 'Easy A' soon! It's silly. It's like, my hormones are raging like a teenager but I've got the body of an old man. Weird.

    I guess they're promoting this new movie she's going to be in, 'The Help', is it? I'm sure that has at least two more people who were in 'Spider-Man' movies, one of whom ironically actually played Gwen Stacy in 'Spider-Man 3'. The other woman, as I recall, was the one who rattled off the disclaimer to Peter Parker before he went to wrestle Bonesaw in the first 'Spider-Man' film. Interesting, I guess.

    So, is she like, a good actress or something?

    I guess I just wanted to post on something. Beats talking about myself. How are you, everybody?

    Aww, man. I forgot--just saw the picture of Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle. Looks interesting to me. But then, I think I really started to like Anne Hathaway since 'Love & Other Drugs'. Maybe it's just because that was a nice, calm moment in my life and I could sit down to an R-rated movie with the sound down low and not feel a bunch of guilt. Anyway, I don't think it's meaningful to speculate further until seeing some performance and/or a better look at the costume. I mean, I sure didn't expect such brilliance from Heath Ledger. On the other hand, I didn't much like Maggie Gyllenhaal in 'The Dark Knight'--wasn't thrilled with her performance and she looked like, well, like if Katie Holmes did some hard drugs for a few years, maybe. I'd have wanted Katie Holmes just because she was cuter...blast that Tom Cruise... I mean, I wouldn't have cared if the acting was on par, but it just wasn't, to me.

    Anyway, I digress. The important thing is, apes will rise today. The question is, how? And will this answer the mystery of that bizarre ending to the movie from some years ago, the one with Mark Wahlberg, I believe? Probably not, right?

    Oh, and I saw this commercial about an action movie, with Zoe Saldana, 'Columbiana', they called it? Made by...Luc Besson, I take it? The guy who made 'Taken'? Looks interesting. Still, I'm not that into Zoe Saldana; she's attractive, but I'd probably say she's not really my type. Still, I'm curious to see if she can hold an action movie on her own, or if this is going to be like, 'The Losers' minus uh, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Idris Elba, Chris Evans, and etc. Granted, 'The Losers' wasn't entirely awful for a mindless, throwaway action film. But it was definitely a rental...

    Oh, and speaking of Bats and Cats and stuff, seen that picture of Bane from 'The Dark Knight Rises', the new one where he's wearing a coat? Interesting. Guess I just figured all that muscle kind of reduced the need for one...silly thought, but...haven't been sleeping well lately. I'm hoping the third movie will be a total letdown, and yet that I'll like it in spite of the fact that everybody else won't. I'm weird that way. That, and I don't want to get my hopes up too high. I'll probably have to read the novel rather than see it in theaters anyway...if they get a decent author to write it, that is.

    Well, see you around.


  • mrsjones5

    Omg, for a moment I thought you were Misery.

  • sd-7

    Oh, that's wrong, mrsjones....


  • sd-7

    just be quiet about emma stone u don't kno what u r talking about


  • sd-7

    Stay out of this, sd-7. I'm handling it. Everybody just...calm down, okay? We're all going to put down our QWERTY keyboards on 3. 1..... 2..... 3.....


  • sd-7

    1st of all i am calm. u r not calm!!! u need 2 stop talkin bout othr wmn than ur wife!!! u don't come home to emma stone, u come home 2 ur wife!!!


  • sd-7

    I come home to chicken chow mein, is what I come home to. And frak you for asking. Frak you very much. Here's me []. Here's this [o]. [[o]]. I got this. On the list of stuff that I've got, "this" is #1. Therefore, I got this. Okay? So back it up.


  • sd-7

    u r crazy boy!!! u need 2 stop tlking 2 urself!!! j/k :P


  • mrsjones5

    Oh shit...

  • sd-7

    I have to say, you seem very nice. Are you busy...later on? sd-7? I was thinking we could go out for milkshakes or ice cream or something. The local ice cream parlor very nice this time of year. We might also listen to some records. Or we could read books together! Does that sound alright?


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