Do JW's really do this?
by NY23brown 24 Replies latest social family
Once on Saturdays and several times on Sundays.
I`d have to agree
They specialize in accomplishing nothing..
Hi, NY23brown, and welcome!
You must be using IE9 -- it doesn't work the best here, and posts disappear like yours. You can switch to Firefox for your browser (that's what I use), or apparently there is a 'compatibility button' for those who use IE9 (works off and on).
Look forward to reading your post.
Thanks, talesin...was wondering why I couldn't read my own posts!
This is a check to see if Google Chrome will allow me to post...
We can see you, now. Welcome!
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the original thing I posted to show up. It was kind of long...
Yes, I forgot about chrome! oops ..
It's good to write long posts on your notepad, then copy/paste ... a bit too late for this post, but glad you made it !
Black Sheep
Welcome to our buggey forum.
Do yourself a favour and copy any lengthy post before you hit the Submit button. The more time you take writing a post, the more likely it is it'll get lost.