Other worldly. Where is the 'christian' love, compassion...?
Judge dismisses Jehovah's Witness' "wrongful life" lawsuit - Dr. saved live with a blood transfusion
by Elsewhere 39 Replies latest jw friends
So her hubby is not a jws, or he just decided to save his wife's life? I wonder if a JC was formed regarding her taking the blood? that would be interesting to know.
I'd have done the same thing for my spouse but he'd not be crazy enough to sue for being alive with no complications. Not like she got HIV, Hepatitis etc from the blood.
This reminds me of the post about JWs craving persecution.
Band on the Run
She can much more readily sue for violation of her informed consent, expressed in a written document, than for wrongful life. Informed consent has a massive body of law. Wrongful life only has law review articles discussing the concept. Where are the WT lawyers helping her?
Her husband cannot negate her written wishes. We don't know the exact document she used to express her wishes. Some states give you a statutory right and demand you fill out a state form. There is something very not kosher in this case.
I don't know the details of her supposed retraction of the earlier written document. Each state probably has a process that must be followed.
Why didn't she sue her husband for not letting her die and deprive the children of their mother?
It is really silly. It sounds more like a money scheme than an actual personal violation.
Furthermore, I'll bet that doctor and that medial staff will no longer handle JW cases!
But let's suppose that it was the elders that forced the family into this, they and the family lost far more than they started out with. Hospital Liason Committee can scratch a lot more names off their list of JW favorable doctors, medical specialists, medical staff, and facilities.
Band on the Run
Agreed. She had better pray for excellent health. Wrongful life-impossible. I doubt it was money. She lost money in costs and may be fined for a friviolous law suit. Publicity for the WT seems the operative mode. If the WT thinks something up, any old thing, is workable, they are fools. She is witnessing to the court system, giving them the finger and the court system responded.
I suspect this suit was filed, at least in part, as a CYA action to avoid being DF'ed: "It was the doctor's fault--I didn't want it, but he did it anyway!"
I agree. This lawsuit was a waste of time and money.
Doctors have enough to worry about without these nutjobs around.
This is the crazest article I have ever read. OMG! This religion is a dirty cult and bad at that. Look about what it produces in people like this woman.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
She said she would have accepted an "autologous" transfusion derived from her own blood.
That's still a no-no. Cell saver and hemodilution are okay because they are recirculation of blood, not what they consider "removal" from circulatory system. Autologous transfusion would include external storage which violates their interpretation that removed blood must be "poured out."
I think she should still be disfellowshipped for not following that WT directive.