The WBT$ doesn`t do "F*ck All" for Anybody..
They want to Demonise People for Trying to Survive?..
The WBT$ must be Running Out of Dead JW`s..
For WBT$ Advertising..
by flipper 67 Replies latest jw friends
The WBT$ doesn`t do "F*ck All" for Anybody..
They want to Demonise People for Trying to Survive?..
The WBT$ must be Running Out of Dead JW`s..
For WBT$ Advertising..
OUTLAW- You are exactly right- the WT society does NOTHING for anybody or their members. Now I hear they will make a 1 billion $$$ profit on selling buildings at Bethel - yet they chastise their own members for wanting, food, clothing, and earning a good living. Can anybody say " a selfish, manipulative mind control cult " ? Pisses me off to the penultimate
"...Now I hear they will make a 1 billion $$$ profit on selling buildings at Bethel - yet they chastise their own members for wanting, food, clothing, and earning a good living. Can anybody say " a selfish, manipulative mind control cult " ? ..."
Hear, hear!!
And I'd add a loud "HYPOCRITICAL, mentally-unhinged HYPOCRITES!!" to the chorus condemning the Watchtower, also...
So when you've Pioneered most of your life and you have squat diddley come retirement age show up at Bethel and ask for their Old Age Pioneer Retirement Plan.
Don't be surprised if its an old pee soaked mattress in the alley...
It always astonished me even as a witness how they would talk about people being concerned about having good paying jobs and providing for their families. Did they want us dependent on the friends to support our families? Didn't they need the hard earned money we made to keep the organization going? Are they idiots, it seems so don't it. They are cutting their own throats and don't even realize it. I hope they destroy their false religion, its time for it to go away. The witness I've seen over the years look exhausted and burned out, I'm sure it hasn't changed much since I left 10 years ago. I know my life is 200% better since I left mentally, spiritually, financially and hope even during this economic turn down is high.
I know, it's hard to swallow this stuff. It's coming from ones that don't have a clue on providing financially for a family.
It's a shame to see how they end up. I have seen many at Bethel retire as janitors in the real world after they couldn't hack it anymore.
It's hard to find happiness through these pages, anymore. The magazines did inspire me a long time ago. But, we have lost our happiness.
Hey, I just remembered what Rebel8 posted. I also agree with her.
ZIDDINA- Exactly true. WT society leaders are so mentally unhinged and hypocritical they are " legends " in their own minds and imaginations.
DESIGNS- Very true. Homeless people on the street get better treatment than a retiring JW. At least they get occasional handouts.
BALSAM- I agree with you- the Witnesses I've seen also seem burnt out from trying to live up to the WT society's policy's. When I used to attend I knew a guy who was reduced to tears by the elders due to their chastizing him for working and missing meetings on nights. This man had 5 children aged 4 through 18 to provide for. This organization needs to go, like now. It's ripping lives apart and destroying them all at the same time. Like yourself, I'm so glad I escaped from that organization.
QUARTERBACK- That is the maddening thing to me about this - is these Bozo WT leaders are laying down instructions for JW members on how to view money and dissing careers- when they themselves have everything handed to them on a silver platter ! The epitome of hypocrisy. I think many would be a lot happier out of the organization.
... well, the latest Awake feature article is "How to Manage Money", maybe they have some suggestions...
Oh, wait, that's the PUBLIC magazine. Nevermind.
AGONUS- LOL ! Very true. WT society will give more authentic helpful advice to non-Witnesses than Witnesses. Go figure. I guess because they don't have to worry about controlling non-Witnesses - the Witnesses are their slaves so gotta keep em under control
Bump to the top for newbies or others who may have missed this WT drivel and wanted to comment on how demonic it is ( according to the WT ) to put " so-called " normal needs like food and clothing first. Incredible. All comments welcome