As part of my post-exit recovery, I've been doing quite a bit of thinking, trying to figure things out, trying to make sense of it all …
In the form of a "Thought Experiment" this question came to my mind,
- What if the GB just admitted that they don't know what Jesus meant by the term "generation"? - Matthew 24:34
I mean, I don't know what he meant and I'm ok with it. So what would happen if they just admitted it? What's the big deal, what's the worst that could happen …?
Well, if they admitted THAT, then … a lot of other things would happen, like dominos falling one into the other …
It would of course mean they aren't really God's Spirit Directed Organization. If that were true, then ….
Everything they have ever said would be open to question by the Rank & File members of the congregation. And then …
They'd have to answer--I mean actually answer--a lot of really hard questions that up till now they just deflect with theocratic double-talk (New Light, Present Truth, Wait on Jehovah, etc. …) and then …
It would also mean they don't REALLY have any authority over anyone or anything, then ...
All those Disfellowshippings would become null and void, then …
You'd certainly have a lot of really pissed off people (even more so than now) and they'd be really vocal about it. Then ….
They'd lose many, many followers, then ….
They'd lose lots and lots of money, then …
They'd have to get REAL jobs, then ….
They'd find out that they are woefully under-qualified in todays tough job market, then …
They'd have to learn how to say, "Would you like fries with that?"
Now I get it! Now I understand why they won't admit their error! They don't' want to work at McDonald's. It's all so simple!!! Why didn't I see it before?