THOUGHT EXPERIMENT: What if the Governing Body ... ?

by 00DAD 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD

    As part of my post-exit recovery, I've been doing quite a bit of thinking, trying to figure things out, trying to make sense of it all …

    In the form of a "Thought Experiment" this question came to my mind,

    • What if the GB just admitted that they don't know what Jesus meant by the term "generation"? - Matthew 24:34

    I mean, I don't know what he meant and I'm ok with it. So what would happen if they just admitted it? What's the big deal, what's the worst that could happen …?

    Well, if they admitted THAT, then … a lot of other things would happen, like dominos falling one into the other …

    It would of course mean they aren't really God's Spirit Directed Organization. If that were true, then ….

    Everything they have ever said would be open to question by the Rank & File members of the congregation. And then …

    They'd have to answer--I mean actually answer--a lot of really hard questions that up till now they just deflect with theocratic double-talk (New Light, Present Truth, Wait on Jehovah, etc. …) and then …

    It would also mean they don't REALLY have any authority over anyone or anything, then ...

    All those Disfellowshippings would become null and void, then …

    You'd certainly have a lot of really pissed off people (even more so than now) and they'd be really vocal about it. Then ….

    They'd lose many, many followers, then ….

    They'd lose lots and lots of money, then …

    They'd have to get REAL jobs, then ….

    They'd find out that they are woefully under-qualified in todays tough job market, then …

    They'd have to learn how to say, "Would you like fries with that?"

    Now I get it! Now I understand why they won't admit their error! They don't' want to work at McDonald's. It's all so simple!!! Why didn't I see it before?


  • leavingwt
    It would of course mean they aren't really God's Spirit Directed Organization.

    Please help me make the connection. They've re-defined the generation multiple times, which is an admission that they don't know what it means. Still, they claim to be God's Organization.

  • garyneal

    Hee hee hee, that's a good analysis.

    I've learned that organizations evolve to survive, this is true of all organizations.

    This organization is simply doing all it can to survive but the day of recogning will come. They cannot continue to delude others without it eventually coming back to bite them. When that happens, what will happen next will be interesting to watch.

    Perhaps we will see things unfold more and more after 2014.

  • garyneal
    Still, they claim to be God's Organization.

    No honest hearted Jehovah's Witness can look at these changes and believe their claim without some form of dissonance.

    They can cling to the old standby's (dates are not important, only we go door to door, do not believe in the Trinity, do not believe in hell fire, etc.) to ease the dissonance.

    However, if they saw these kinds of dishonesties in other religions, they would be very quick to point them out. If they do, just make them look in the mirror.

  • 00DAD

    leavingwt, I'm not sure if you're being serious or ironic.

    The point is that although they CLAIM to be God's Spirit Directed Organization, the EVIDENCE--as you nicely pointed out--is that "they don't know what [Jesus' use of the word 'generation'] means". (I wouldn't call it an admission.)

    The connection is this: How can any group or individual be "spirit directed" if they can't understand a simple word which was ostensibly inspired by that same Holy Spirit?

    It is one thing to make a claim of being spirit-directed. It is another thing to prove it. The evidence, I think, is fairly clear in proving that the GB are NOT spirit-directed, at least not by the same spirit the directed Jesus to prophesy.

    So maybe they really are spirit directed, but just by another spirit!

  • punkofnice
  • What if the GB just admitted that they don't know what Jesus meant by the term "generation"? - Matthew 24:34
  • That's just it though......they will NEVER admit anything. In the case of 1975 they blamed everyone else for having 'expectations'.

    Look at how they blamed the rank and file. Put guilt onto the ones that believed their false prophecy:-

    11 It may be that some who have been serving God have planned their lives according to a mistaken view of just what was to happen on a certain date or in a certain year. They may have, for this reason, put off or neglected things that they otherwise would have cared for. But they have missed the point of the Bible’s warnings concerning the end of this system of things, thinking that Bible chronology reveals the specific date.


    15 But it is not advisable for us to set our sights on a certain date, neglecting everyday things we would ordinarily care for as Christians, such as things that we and our families really need. We may be forgetting that, when the “day” comes, it will not change the principle that Christians must at all times take care of all their responsibilities. If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises. Watchtower 1976 July 15 pp.440-441

    Anyway. Where would they then fit 1914 into the mix?

    They don't really need to do any more now they've got the 'overlapping'. They're home and dry. Just let the 'overlapping' continue, no big 'A'? Well then. they're still 'overlapping'. Duh!

  • garyneal
    So maybe they really are spirit directed, but just by another spirit!

    In the early days, the WTS claimed that Jehovah stopped using His Holy Spirit and was sending his angels to provide messages to their leaders.

  • leavingwt

    OK, I now understand what you're trying to say.

    It's not about logic/facts/details. It's about Thought Reform.

    The WT can basically PRINT ANYTHING and 90% will accept it and never question it. Have you read Hassan's books?

    As far as undermining the theology, however, I think Don Cameron makes a sufficient case with the 1919 angle. Put simply, nobody has ever become a JW after having first undertook a detailed study of their history. Deception is involved in the recruiting process. Nobody joins a cult.

  • 00DAD

    garyneal: In the early days, the WTS claimed that Jehovah stopped using His Holy Spirit and was sending his angels to provide messages to their leaders.

    Yes, That's what I was thinking, Jehovah's Angels, in particular his FORMER angels!

  • 00DAD

    OK, I guess I was unclear in my initial post when I started this thread. As leavingwt pointed out hear, and many others have pointed out elsewhere: Nobody joins a cult.

    When we joined JWs we didn't know about their history, deception, false predictions/prophecies, flip-flops, and various other hypocritical errors, etc. When we found out about them we left, or are in the process of leaving.

    But the GB members MUST know these things and yet still they won't admit to their error! Why?

    My post was meant to be a somewhat ironic and definitely irreverent poke at that question.

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