Dawkins puts forward the hypothesis that altruism (which to me is the test of morality) is genetic.
That's kind of scary, isn't it, dear Nick (again, peace to you!)? I mean, doesn't that negate the WILL be altruistic, thereby suggesting that if, say, your great grandfather was altruistic you probably will be, too... but if was a low-down dirty rotten scoundrel... you probably will be, too? And, in that light as to the latter, is it possible that that IS true... that some ARE, by genetic inheritance... low-down and dirty... and so there IS some extrinsic "force" that exists to help such ones overcome their rotten scoundrelness? You know, besides Paxil, Prozac, and Xanax?
Just askin'... 'cause Mr. Dawkins hypothesis is very concerning, considering that, if true, the opposite MUST be true... and so there's really nothing such folks can do... except help make drug manufacturer's [more] rich... and FDA flunkies [more] necessary.
Things that make you go "hmmmmmmm"...
Again, peace!
A slave of Christ,
The Bambina