Love you ladies and Drew Carey and Company!
Many deep and abiding thanks!
CoCo des Vetements Bizarres
by compound complex 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Love you ladies and Drew Carey and Company!
Many deep and abiding thanks!
CoCo des Vetements Bizarres
We recall a petty selfish limited being who has decided to play God (based on lies),
Oh, I knew him - Ted Jaracz!
Greetings, 2057 and Punk:
Sorry that I missed your posts! I appreciate your Scriptural foray into the subject of visits to heaven, 2057, as it's given me food for thought. I knew the man, too, Punk!
Hi and thanks, Ziddy!
Waves back ...
a house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.
Ben Franklin
Thank you very much, Nancy.
The heart and mind are a restless pair, never permitting their owner a moment's respite.
Andrew Vincent