At least it was quick, and he's no longer in pain.
R.I.P. *animal*... We'll miss you, buddy... :'(
by VampireDCLXV 43 Replies latest jw friends
Mad Sweeney
I only knew him on FB.
Frankly it is kind of shocking because just a few days ago a family member posted on FB that he was diagnosed with cancer. You usually have more than just a few days between diagnosis and death.
Damn. I probably ought to go get that physical checkup I've been postponing...
My sincerest condolences to the friends and family of our fallen comrade.
Oh God! He was the same age as me when he died!!! Anyway, RIP! He was probably a real nice guy. At least he was someone who (evidenlty) saw through the deception of the WT! Thanks for his memorial! Peace!
oh no.
Rick was a good guy, one of the best.
Cancer of the liver is a bitch.
Sad. I pay my respects. RIP.
I knew animal and am so sorry to hear this news. He was a good man. RIP Animal.
A straight-up guy, and what Scully said.
Thank you, sweet Vamp, for posting this memorial.
I tried to join JWD under a different name early in 2003. I met him in chat and we talked a little on IM. He was a spirited, cool guy. How sad to be taken so quickly and not have time to really say good bye and prepare.
R.I.P. Buddy