Yeah! Glad 4 U.
Im Going To Be Disfellowshipped!
by TimothyT 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Silly little men in silly little suits, with an official sounding word: JUDICIAL COMMITEE! ooooo We are shaking at their power. Let them play dress up. You get to be happy! I'm so happy your family still supports you. It just makes them sillier.
Found Sheep
Cought that too Wontleave!!!
I have chosen to be gay
Be careful with your phrasing, please. Enough ignoramuses are already convinced homosexuality is a choice
You are YOU and that is it!!! so so so glad you are being open to yourself!!!
I am so happy for you that your parents accept you as you are. Congrats on being able to make this decision.
Broken Promises
Congrats on the start of your new life!
Good Deal,....Proud to see you get through it all,.....Life is only going to get better.
Mad Sweeney
Congratulations, man!
Are you going to attend the hearing or just blow them off, so to speak?
Mad, lol
cult classic
I wish someone had disfellowshipped me when I was younger... rofl.
Good for you TimT.