Take a chill pill Fallen_Princess! Shamus is a Friend of Dorothy too, and all he was doing was mentioning something that happened a couple of years ago on this board. A troll had come here to cause problems, and the troll ended up posting some innapropriate pictures and making crude comments. A witch hunt ensued, homophobia became rampant among certain members who voiced their displeasure of Gay people in general, and many Gay posters who had been here for years were criticised and blamed even though they had nothing to do with the one trolls actions. Many ended up leaving the board for good, a few were unfairly banned, and some, such as myself, stopped posting for a while until things cooled off. That is basically what Shamus meant as the "Gay Holocaust".
I think that it would be nice if you apologized to Shamus as he did nothing wrong, and your accusation of calling him a troll was unfounded and mean spirited, especially coming from someone such as yourself who has only made a handful of posts and knows nothing of the members here.
Et Tu, Fade_Away? Perhaps if you would have read some of Shamus' previous posts, you wouldn't have incorrectly assumed things about him.