Well this time last year I was waiting for my first semester at college to start. I had no idea how I would do in my classes. My first semester was a complete surprise for me because not only did I do it, but, I did it well ending up on the Dean's List with a 3.57 GPA for the semester.
My second semester was a bit tougher on me because I had a professor that I had a few issues with and I decided not to confront her about them. I still worked hard even in that professors class. In fact I feel like I worked harder in her class just to prove to myself that I was not a quitter. I got a 3.53 GPA for the semester in the Spring with an Cumulative GPA of 3.55. I ended up dropping a class for that semester because I was over loaded with 17 credits. I dropped my Sociology class because it was only 2 credits and I still had 15 for that semester.
My third semester which was the summer semester which is 16 weeks worth of work crammed into 10 weeks or less depending on when the class you take started, was easier for me. Except I had an online class that I felt like the professor was not participating in and it made me not want to be in that class. I had to read the book and post on the class discussion board for that chapter and read and comment on my classmates posts as well, but the professor never posted anything at all. Not a good job nor a you suck. It made me feel like he wasn't paying attention to us at all. I decided to drop the class because I wasn't getting what I wanted out of it. So that left me with 4 classes.
For the summer semester I got a 3.77 GPA and a Cumulative GPA for all three semesters of 3.60. I'm now a Sophomore in college and I'm also a member of the Honors Program and I've been waiting to join Phi Theta Kappa. I am qualified with my GPA, I just have to wait until next semester because they only let new members join twice a year.
Next semester I am taking 12 credits because I felt like I needed a less stressful semester. LOL I am taking Honors Sociology this coming semester because I really wanted to take that course. I am happy that I found a Honors version to take.
Not bad for an EX JW or anyone really who never completed High School and is over 30 years old. I would encourage anyone who is thinking about going to school to go!! Don't wait!! It really is worth it.