Where I am most confused by his statement is where he says science is complete (?) and how human behaviour cannot be predicted.
But this makes TOTAL sense, dear Qcmbr (again, peace to you!). Science is the study of what can be measured empirically. And in some form or another all that is empirical CAN be measured. Down to the proton level, even. Human behavior, however, can only be SOMEWHAT measured... by those behaviors that are common to ALL humans. However, there are behaviors that are UNIQUE... and in order to be measured must utilize some OTHER model... than SCIENCE.
This is odd since human behaviour is very predictable on a macro levels ( that's how they can model where to put fire escapes, door openings and fast food outlets ) but only degrades to more chaotic levels in the immediacy of the individual and now,
Apparently, Dr. Hawking disagrees... and so do I. Because such things (escapes, door openings, etc.) are common to the western world... and not necessarily the eastern world. Or the U.S. and not, say, Greece. Or NYC, but not say, LA. Or those who live near 5th and Main... but not those who live near Broadway. Or those who live in the first house on the block... but not those who live in the fifth house. Or the one who sleeps in the front room... but not the one who sleeps in the back room.
and even then the seeming free will element is infrequently manifest ( quite often we are simple following well studied flight/ fight impulses or mimicking our peers or in auto pilot.)
Goodness, some of you really need to look past the western world...
Free will is much more an illusion that we are comfortable admitting. I had a very heated debate with my bishop who argued that he could decide right now what his future self would do in 20 years time and I said that he could not since 36 year old 'he' would have been replaced by 56 year old 'him' who would think differently (just as you and I would look upon our teenage selves and our former choices and hopes very differently now.)
I think your bishop misunderstands free will...
We may have limited choice when we so choose in the here and now ( and I emphasise may) but we are controlled by far greater forces than ourselves and those responses are far more predictable than we might think.
Perhaps. But apparently Dr. Hawking believes those responses can't always be predicted by science. May I give an example? In another thread, a dear one related how he tried to save the life of an accident victim. He told how he attempted mouth to mouth, ending up with some blood in his mouth... but to no avail. When another commended him for trying his response was that it was what any of us would do. That... is not true. And, unless someone is a trained responder... there is NO WAY to predict what any of us would do. There isn't even truly a way to predict what the trained responder would do. True, there are likelihoods. But just when you THINK you know "human behavior"... some humans proves that you don't.
Predicting individual behavior based on those models is still elusive
Not elusive, dear Sizmik (peace to you!). Impossible. You need an entirely DIFFERENT model... and PERHAPS one that includes goodwill... and God. Perhaps not. BUT... Dr. Hawking apparently isn't ruling out the POSSIBILITY.
C'mon, you guys - dear Tams (the GREATEST of love and peace to you, my dear one!) and I got it. C'mon "down" here with us... and maybe you can get it, too! Don't overthink it. Don't try to raise it "up." He wasn't speaking "high". He really was speaking quite elementary. Come on in - the 'water's' FINE!
Peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,