Firefighter in Alabama.
How do you make a living?
by paulnotsaul 102 Replies latest jw friends
How you doing, Walter? Hope you're well.
Hi Shamus, I'm doing ok I guess. I'm just psyching myself up for the possibility of unemployment this fall.Hope you're doing ok.
was made to leave school early to pioneer because the end was coming in 1975. After being a special pioneer and then having children I realised that I needed to educate myself in order to educate my children. I got my high school cert. and enrolled in uni and got up at 4am to study every day - upset the elder husband no end. All in all, 8 years at uni. Have a MA and have been a teacher for 20 years.
I don't think papers (qualifications) necessarily make or break a person's life - it is their outlook and motivation that is the deciding factor. I've seen many happy and successful people who do not have formal qualifications - but it is the freedom to choose that I believe we all should have and which the WT society tries to deny people.
I have had my own business (school) and worked for a wide range of educational institutions, but would now like to follow my heart and study art...really wish I had been able to be a vet.
i live off of internet moneys.
I am Senior Training Officer for a big corporation... i am the one the travels around w the flip charts and gives classes everytime the company decides to implement a new initiative... :) LOVE my job!
I'm a warehouse shipper. :( Thanks WT!
Mr Facts
Social work: Mental Illness, Addiction, Therapeutic Communities.
I've recently taken up a job as a promotional agent for a warrior wizard. He's quite a controversial character, but he should be a big hit with kids once his career takes off. I'm just taking a small cut for now, but I may need to re-negotiate once he gets REALLY famous.