I know that most of us here despise the Witness religion. Are you soured on all all religions?
Is There ANY Religion That You Would Feel Comfortable Being A Member Of?
by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends
not at all--i'm an alcoholic---& i worship regularly.
Yes, I'm soured on ALL religion. I trust in myself and close loved ones , and some dear friends . " Religion is a snare and a racket." I believe some nutcase said that- probably the only thing he ever said that was true ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I really enjoy going to Orthodox(christian) services... and Jewish Temple... not really for the religious aspect, but I just really enjoy the tradition... I've thought about maybe converting to Judaism... a more liberal brand.... even though I'm agnostic...
Unitarian Universalist---they don't care that I'm an atheist, and I love the community and secular programs they host.
The Church of Blondie...
No, and I've checked.
Still searching for a congregation. In the mean time, I will continue to read the Bible, help others and do no harm, and make time for friends and family.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
None that I am aware of.....(once bitten twice shy)...........But I would never say never?
I guess a lot would depend on what was required to "be a member of" and how easy it was to get out !