I didn't think of it that way mumatron :) thanks for the lesson
I still can imagine usin' pee for anything though ;)
by serenitynow! 16 Replies latest social current
I didn't think of it that way mumatron :) thanks for the lesson
I still can imagine usin' pee for anything though ;)
Your welcome wasblind. TBH the thought of drinking/washing with urine isn't actually appealing to me, but I guess if I had a badly infected eye and nothing else to hand to treat it, a jellyfish sting, or found myself in a situation where there was no available clean drinking water and my life depended on it, then I probably would use it!
Ooh, forgot to add that in Western society we find urine putrid as so many of us are regular coffee drinkers, which of course gives urine a rather unpleasant odour!
According to a hadith (Bukhari 1:234), Muhammad prescribed camel urine as med-
This reminds me of some of Clayton Woodworth's medical advice for the Jeho-
vah's Witnesses (see "Glenster's Guide to GTJ Brooklyn," p.11, "Blood transfu-
sions aren't the only things the Watchtower leaders have had distinctive medical
ideas or rules about.")
According to Wikipedia, "There is no scientific evidence of a therapeutic use
for untreated urine."
One older sister said she used to wipe her face with her children's pee diapers to help with acne. Weird.
There is a reason it is called waste...
Human waste is a waste type usually used to refer to byproducts of digestion, such as feces and urine. Human waste is most often transported as sewage in waste water throughsewerage systems. Alternatively it is disposed of in nappies (diapers) in municipal solid waste.
Human waste is a biowaste and can be a serious health hazard, as it is a good vector for both viral and bacterial diseases. A major accomplishment of human civilization has been the reduction of disease transmission via human waste through the practice of hygiene and sanitation, including the development of sewage systems and plumbing.
Human waste can be reduced or reused through use of waterless urinals and composting toilets and greywater. The most common method of waste treatment in rural areas where municipal sewage systems are unavailable is the use of septic tank systems. In remote rural places without sewage or septic systems, small populations allow for the continued use ofhoney buckets and sewage lagoons (see anaerobic lagoon) without the threat of disease presented by places with denser populations. Honey buckets are used by rural villages inAlaska where, due to permafrost, conventional waste treatment systems cannot be utilised.