I bought a Bible some months ago, paid like $47 on that sucker, but its been worth it. It's in chronological order which makes it a little weird going through it, as it randomly jumps from a passage in Psalms, to something in Chronicles, so I've got multiple bookmarks in the glossary, and there's a page with the timelines and verses organized for quick reference. This Bible has historical narratives from multiple experts in different fields such as archeology, theology, and historians. Reading it, has been a pleasure, and a Godsend if there is a God, because it made study interesting again. I've purchased several books related to theology, and researched things online, and I feel hungry again. To be fair to the WT, I do like the Insight Books as both can be used as quick references, but I hate the slant within both as they stretch things to fit the WT's agenda. ANother thing I hate is not just the stretch, but the fact that WT can NEVER EVER admit to simply, not knowing something, or conceding that there's other possible meanings. They've got some serious self esteem issues in the GB and the Writing Department.