The only reason wedding anniversaries are allowed is because they tried but couldn't really find any Bible texts to take out of context...
Well, that doesn't wash it with me. The very same arguments they adduce to condemn birthdays virtually all apply to wedding anniversaries which are simply 'birthdays' of the day the couple married. How simply worldly and not a hint of the slippery slope of glorifying not just one person (as with a birthday - unless you're a twin) but two! And I presume no first century Christians observed wedding anniversaries. Tut tut. Double standard.
I'm inclined to think that, before they'd even considered whether wedding anniversaries were 'appropriate' for 'Christians' the fad took off in kingdom halls around the world and the gverning body would have realized they'd have a job on their hands retrospectively frowning upon anniversaries. Little wonder that, deprived of every other normal reason for celebrating, the average JW goes completely head over heels when there's the prospect of attending or throwing a wedding anniversary. There are too many tales of drunkeness and partying to ignore. I kind of wish the governing body regrets not comnig down hard and fast against wedding anniversaries years ago. The cat's out of the bag and the hypocrisy prowls the corridors of worldly influence.