On the in-law side, someone is pregnant. Teenager. Unwed. No job, but does have a High School degree. The boyfriend has no job, is over 18, and ... a deadbeat with emerging "anger" issues....
I feel a thousand emotions. I am frustrated, angry, mad, damn mad, scared, etc. I had tried for years to guide this girl to get her education, information about college, SATs, etc. I tried to get her to go to the doctor for birth control, convinced her mother and grandmother to take her to the doctor, we all had open communication about the subject, etc. Needless to say, the girl didn't apply for college and apparently didn't use birth control. I think she really wanted it this way, honestly!
Now, I found out through my spouse that this girl is pregnant. No one from the family dared to tell me directly. I think they must feel very ashamed, angry, frustrated, mad, etc.
So, what do I say to this girl and, more importantly, to her family? I don't know if she wants to keep the baby (which would be a disaster as she's now livign in a dirty trailer park ... moved out of house) or give it up to adoption, etc. Adoption would be the best thing. I think she's over the term limit for getting an "easy" abortion.
My JW upbringing from stout JW parents would bring on the guilt trip, make her feel immoral and bad, worldly, wicked, etc. But, that's not the way I want to approach this.
What advice can you give me on how to handle this. I need a bunch of help.
What would you say?