I have a very close friend whos history of traumatic experiences and drug use has culminated into very severe mental and physical detioratation. I dont want to get into personal information but one major symptom is that he has become religiously deluded about himself. To be blunt, he believes he is a special prophet chosen by Jehovah. This has been beyond shitty to experience. I dont act shocked or argue when we talk but try to let him know that no matter what he believes I still love him as my friend. We have been doing our best to get him help medicaly and mentaly but its very difficult trying to help someone who wont help himself.
Interestingly enough I know personaly a few other people who have the same delusions of being annointed, a messiah or some other lofty spiritual importance after some sort of mental breakdown.
Does anyone else have any experiences with this or theories on religious abuse and mental illness etc.