Did you just take that scripture at face value ? beleiving it to be so ?
Was" all scripture is inspired by God" written down at that one time ? Or were their still books or letters that were still to be incorporated into the final cannon,not by God but by men. When that scripture was written not all the writings made up the bible.
Was the Bible, as we have accepted , 66 books, ( another 15 Deuterocanonicals & apocrypha ),been completed at that time ? Are they all inspired ?
Wasn`t their other books/letters after that scripture was written ,that wouldnt be included in that criteria ? Heaps of writings that were never included in the list of accepted inspired writings. Who made these decisions ? God? or humans .?
Has jesus Christ or Jehovah put their stamp of approval on what book or letter is inspired ?
Or has it rested upon mankind to determine what is inspired,or not by God
Where is the God of creations stamp of approval on this book that is supposed to verify his acceptance of his communication with his subjects