"All Scripture is inspired of God and Beneficial" .....

by smiddy 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    Did you just take that scripture at face value ? beleiving it to be so ?

    Was" all scripture is inspired by God" written down at that one time ? Or were their still books or letters that were still to be incorporated into the final cannon,not by God but by men. When that scripture was written not all the writings made up the bible.

    Was the Bible, as we have accepted , 66 books, ( another 15 Deuterocanonicals & apocrypha ),been completed at that time ? Are they all inspired ?

    Wasn`t their other books/letters after that scripture was written ,that wouldnt be included in that criteria ? Heaps of writings that were never included in the list of accepted inspired writings. Who made these decisions ? God? or humans .?

    Has jesus Christ or Jehovah put their stamp of approval on what book or letter is inspired ?

    Or has it rested upon mankind to determine what is inspired,or not by God

    Where is the God of creations stamp of approval on this book that is supposed to verify his acceptance of his communication with his subjects


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I just turned my brain off.

    Inspired of God??? and it didn't make sense??? and if you didn't believe you were in the crap.

  • Heaven

    The scriptures on slavery kinda lead me to believe that the statement "All Scripture is inspired of God and Beneficial" is bogus.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Firstly, the OT and NT books were not canonised for some time after that passage was written.

    Secondly, the writings the young "Timothy" had been reading were the Jewish writings.

    Thirdly, it is most ironic, since the book known as 2 Timothy is a fraud. It was not written by Paul but by someone pretending to be him. So it was written by a forger, a lier. So much for "inspiration".


  • IsaacJ22

    I've read a few books on the Bible's history and "creation." But if you're looking for a religious commentary as opposed to a secular one, I won't be able to help you. I'm no longer a believer. Off hand, I don't recall enough to answer your initial question anyway. I would to do research. Which is what I suggest you do. There's plenty of info available for free online.

    I still think you're asking very good questions, though. I think every Christian should ask those same questions, even if they don't arrive at their answers my way or don't come to the conclusions I have.

    Good for you.

  • Sulla

    One issue is how to think of what "inspiration" means. The JW/fundamentalist viewpoint is that inspiration basically means the authorship of each book is God himself, with the writer being merely the instrument. This is a reasonably new innovation; the concept has historically meant something different. Inspiration relly attempts to convey the idea that the work tells us something that is true.

    There has always been a conflict perceived between the OT and NT. The orthodox claim has been that the OT stories really are inspired in the sense that they really do tell us something that is true about the identity of God, the same God who raised Jesus from the dead. As such, we cannot cut the OT away from the New, neither can we suppose that that God revelaed there is other than the God of the NT. Yes, that makes for difficult reading at times.

    There is a distinction to be meade, then, between the writings that are inspired and the ones that are in the canon. The orthodox assertion is simply that everything in the canon is inspired -- tells us important and true things about God. It is not a claim that all the writings are histories (as we now understand the term) or that they are all even non-fiction (Esther, for example, is quite loose with some facts) and include myths (creation and the flood, for example).

  • Terry

    At the time "All scripture is inspired of god and beneficial...." was written down THERE WAS NO NEW TESTAMENT!

    Mull that one over!

  • ssn587

    From the Watchtower of February 1, 1989 pp. 27-30

    "In the third century B.C.E., Jewish scholars in Alexandria, Egypt, produced the Greek Septuagint version the Hebrew

    Scriptures, which came to be use by Greek-speaking Jews all over the world. In time the Jews stopped using it, but it became

    the Bible of the early Christian congregation. When Christian Bible writes quoted from the sacred Hebrew Scripotures, they used

    the Septuagint. The Chester Beatty papyri of the Hebrew Scripotures include 13 pages of the book of Daniel in the Septuagint.

  • ssn587

    Since early Christians used the Septuagint that is the only thing that 2 Tim. 3:16 could refer to as possibly "inspired." hope that answers your thoughts on the subject.

  • Terry

    It could well have been that the Septuagint was THE compiled translation referenced in 1 Tim.

    However, this was only because of the very obvious (to us today) myth about HOW the translation was miraculously achieved.

    Have you heard the ridiculous story?

    70 separate translators worked simultaneously without conference or review until they were finished. Upon completion their work was compared and BEHOLD! Not one difference among them!!

    What a tub of lard.

    70 is not even the correct number of translators.

    Each would not have translated the entire bible.

    Each would have taken part of a divided workload.

    Comparing divided workloads would not be cause for finding differences in translation since each division is unique unto itself.

    Fable, myth, exaggeration and balderdash is more like it.

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