Stop making the BINARY error of Jehovah's Witness theology

by Terry 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew

    My post # 3 does make sense, in post #11351, we shall call it the "prime" post , Terry said for your sevice you get

    hot ice cream. So I said you don't have to leave them to get your hot ice cream.

    Oh, I like the bianary science, but by what you say I think it is fair for me to consider you an unbeliever?

  • thetrueone

    The binary thinking comes into play via the fear induced indoctrination and the subsequent power derived from that.

    Thank god for being an insidious benevolent murderer.......Amen.

  • Terry

    Beloved Brother Perry admonishes: Terry, I have to disagree a bit with you on labelling JW's "absolutely certain". I think you are confusing certainty (knowing) and stubborness (cognitive dissonance).

    It is a difficult argument to make, in my view, that JW's who put themselves in harm's way are merely obstinate. Even more so when parents allow blood issues to threaten the life of their own beloved children. is that really stubborness? I can't imagine so, personally. It is more closely akin to TRUST that what they are doing is the ONLY TRULY GOD-APPROVED course of action. I see it as a helplessness which renders obedience as the only default behavior.

    Are there stubborn JW's? You better believe it. But, these same people are stubborn by nature. They could easily be stubborn Baptists or stubborn PTA members.

  • Terry

    She and I spoke of Santa Claus and whether or not I would teach him to our child. I tried to be balanced. I said I would teach her the Christmas songs concerning him and the idea that he flies around on Christmas Eve but I would teach her that her Christmas gifts came from family and friends. "In other word, I would be teaching a lie," she said.

    The flaw in JW reasoning is the deep misunderstanding of fantasy and imagination in a child's formative years.

    The BLACK and WHITE application of "LIE" to the myth of Santa is a wonderful example of Binary thought.

    Disney Cartoons have animals talking and wearing clothes. I suppose this is a LIE also?

    I cheated my children out of the community of participation with other kids in the celebration of Christmas. By making them "other" I isolated them and, frankly, stole from them one of the few joys that can last a lifetime. I can't ever restore what was lost.

    There are social contracts which bring people together which should not be ruptured by such radical misunderstanding.

    The JW stand on holidays can only have one significant scar: dividing people for a lifetime of cynicism.

    What do JW children have that comes within a mile of the joy of Christmas? I mean, REALLY!?! Celebrating the death of earth's citizens at Armaggedon?

  • Terry

    Oh, I like the bianary science, but by what you say I think it is fair for me to consider you an unbeliever?

    I personally think BELIEVING is an admission of lack of proof, fact and reality.

    I put it right up there with Supposing. Why make a virtue out of supposition?

    Why build your life and your future and your values on what may be unfounded conjecture just because it is "pretty"?

  • N.drew

    Because people listen to you. I can say anything I want, (because people don't listen), but still

    I am careful. Sometimes not, but even then I try to respect the possibility. And to make it a virtue

    "I don't want to be wrong" is not high mindedness, but a searching for Jehovah.

  • Terry

    I got baptized to learn the Bible better. Do some people get baptized to be saved?

    Protestantism, historically, is the beginning of bible worship.

    The premise is that THE BIBLE along with holy spirit is an infallible pathway to proximity with God.

    This ignores all facts to the contrary; facts which are disparaged, hidden, warped and ignored by mainstream christianity.

    I perfectly understand we would all love for there to be ONE INFALLIBLE SOURCE for perfect wisdom and truth. That would ease our effort.

    However, it is illusory and even dangerous to make THE BIBLE that source.

    Any honest investigation can't fail to convince us that this document was not tamper-proof. It is corrupt text. There is no provenance. There are no original documents in existence for comparison. The book is conflated error served up as nutrition for the soul.

    My entire point concerning the Bible and BLACK and WHITE thinking is best illustrated by the astounding claim of its INERRANCY.

    True, christendom's seminary's will only say that inerrancy applies to "original writings" rather than later copies. But, this is complete claptrap in view of the fact NO ORIGINALS EXIST anywhere.

    Jehovah's Witness attempt to have it both ways. They point out with glee all the errors in christendom's doctrine by alluding to scripture. This completely ignores the fact that false doctrine is proof texted by the same scripture.

    The argument is a Red herring! It is PRIVATE INTERPRETATION which is the bain of bible worshippers.

    The bible, by itself, is worthless unless and until somebody with imagination interprets "meaning."

    Catholic Church authority came from overshadowing "bible" and asserting MAGESTERIUM.

    Governing Body of JW's virtually copy this entirely! They assert the bible is ONLY FOR ANOINTED and proceed to empower their own interpretation os CHANNELING a magesterium.

    It is all puffery, stuff and nonsense.

  • designs

    'Stuff' goes into a Turkey.

  • Terry

    Because people listen to you. I can say anything I want, (because people don't listen), but still

    I am careful. Sometimes not, but even then I try to respect the possibility. And to make it a virtue

    "I don't want to be wrong" is not high mindedness, but a searching for Jehovah.


    Not quite sure what you are saying.

    My only comment is this: We build our search on a foundational premise. But, do we actually vet that first? Do we actually investigate our PREMISE before our search? In computer language: garbage in=garbage out. A simple way of saying that our premise will always yield a mirror of our conclusion.

    Meaning what?

    Have you ever heard of a SNIPE hunt?


    A snipe hunt, a form of wild-goose chase that is also known as a fool's errand, is a type of practical joke that involves experienced people making fun of credulous newcomers by giving them an impossible or imaginary task. The origin of the term is a practical joke where inexperienced campers are told about a bird or animal called the snipe as well as a usually preposterous method of catching it, such as running around the woods carrying a bag or making strange noises such as banging rocks together. Incidentally, the snipe (a family of shorebirds) is difficult to catch for experienced hunters, so much so that the word "sniper" is derived from it to refer to anyone skilled enough to shoot one. [ 1 ]

  • N.drew

    Bain "wheel of time" Got ya. Don't you just hate them for that?

    Did they not imply they had an interpretation of their own?

    They adopted that which was already interpreted AND Franz's

    book says they keep keeping up the pretence. They do not

    look for "the light that gets brighter."

    I do! For them who want a Smith like experience The Bible

    comes close. Hey it could be my imagination, but that book

    is SAVVY!! OK, imagine someone you love had a stroke, now it

    is hard to comunicate, will you stop trying? Love will not stop trying.

    therueone Charly Brown nice poetry! Long words strung together. I like it!

    It's angry though, right?

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