During the holiday period one if my wife's brothers had planned a vacation in our area. They drove about 6 hours to a condo they leased for a week to celebrate their wedding anniversary with their married son and daughter. They called my wife to let her know they were coming to visit us since they were 2 hours away. My wife discussed the accommodations to sleep the 6 of them and 2 children. I was looking forward seeing all of them since it's been 5 years between visits. So on the day of their arrival I went to work and when I returned I didn't see their car in my driveway. Did they arrive I asked my wife? She said they came and left already! Well that was nice of them...I could see that my wife wasn't too happy because she was anticipating spending time with her JW family. Later I found out that they actually were coming to visit Bethel and since we are 30 minutes further they were stopping by after just to say hello. Now that I am out of the cult I can clearly see how the loyalty to the organization trumps even the family bonds...they had several hours to visit a printing shop and offices but no time for their JW sister...and I guess the fact their brother in law (me) is inactive didn't help.
They came, they saw, they left...
by NVR2L8 25 Replies latest social family
NVR, Maybe it was a good thing in disguise. Possibly you can compare the time and effort your wife's family took to visit Beth-Hell vs with her and simply ask if it hurt her feelings. It might start her thinking....... -
This brings to mind an experience I had when I was fading. I had some witnesses call on me. Obviously just to fill in time. I was happy to see them, and invited them in for something to eat. I got the "we miss you line". Then after about 25mins they up and left because they meet a person out in territory who may (I use the word MAY)want a study. After they left I could help but think of how their minds work. It would of been more advantageous and required less effort to spend a bit of time with a guy who had spent his whole life believing a load of crap. Than to leave him to try and go to a stranger who may want a study or possibly isn't at home. After they left I just couldn't help but feel I had been used to count time on with platitudes. Guess that's the mind set in dubbieland. -
I suppose this can be a good thing. But it just amazes me how they will spend all this time and effort going around knocking on doors and yet will do very little for existing members other than a "we miss you line". Wt if you read this you need to be concentrating on retention, especially retention of your youth, rather than pissing people off knocking on their door. -
I'm really not very good for the cause. I shouldn't be giving Wt such good advise. -
They drove 7 hours to visit Bethel and 7 hours back. They only had time for lunch with their sister...because they're soooo busy! Mind you, they were vacationing for the rest of the week at a condo. -
They were probably feeling guilty for taking their family to Disney World at some time in the past. "Explain that to Jesus!" I think was the line a GB member said.
Sad really because they probably would have enjoyed the time with family more.
NVR, Trust me, this is the kind of thing that can help to wake your wife up. Hubby and my families are all JWs. He woke up before I did and skillfully used situations like yours to help me think. He shook his head and quietly observed," Wow, all those years of Bible study and meetings one would think it would have a better effect on a person." Boy, that really hit home. -
I'm with 3rdgen on this.
Emphasize the lack of love.
LOVE is supposed to be the identifying feature of Christ's disciples.
No evidence of love. = No evidence of being Christ's disciples.
Thanks 3rd Gen...I am afraid that any other comment on the situation will be seen by my wife as an attack on her faith. After 4 years she stubbornly refuses to engage in any discussion regading the WT organization in fear that it will lead to an unfavorable conclusion.