My children's paternal grandmother (G) and great grandmother's (Gg) racist attitudes. That's what. I'm sorry but I really need to vent about this...
G was saying how she'd taken my son to the beach yesterday. She parked away from the seafront so had to walk through the fairground to get to the beach. The fairground was full of a couple of coach-loads of day-trippers. They were from Birmingham and they were black. G was saying how she felt really uncomfortablewalking through there and how she walked my son around the bay to the quieter beach to get away. Gg then piped up about how "they really should put a stop to them coming into our country. There's enough here now. There aren't enough jobs for all our young people". I think G saw the look of horror on my face as she then quickly changed the subject before I could get my 2p in about it. But OMG, I am still reeling from it.
It is 2011, not 1811 FFS! I'm sure had the day-trippers been a coach-load of white Brummies [affectionate nickname for people from Birmingham] then she would not have said or done that. It makes me SICK! I am not happy that they are communicating those attitudes in front of me, but especially pissed that they did in front of my children. I want to bring them up to think and know that everyone is equal.
People are people. Everyone has feelings. I know I tease people sometimes but it's done all in good humour, never intended to hurt and certainly not a personal attack based on race/gender/intelligence etc. How hurt would those guys have been if they could've read her thoughts? I've been on the receiving end of racist, contemptuous attitudes on more than one occasion - when I went to France was the worst. It is horrible that people can entertain the fact that purely down to where you or your ancestors may have lived and what you look like could make you despicable in their eyes. Gaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!