I think you are right on. What was really infuriating was in his talk on Tuesday night he mentioned by name some of the older elders in the circuit who have brown nosed their way up the ranks. These elder have never pioneered or done anything expect try to have assembly parts again by brown nosing there way there. They all have nice homes, etc all worked full time jobs had children, etc. They set aside money for their old age. I just do not get it because these same elders will dog the younger ones to do more and more and more. They didn't when they were young and the system was so very, very, very close. 1975 was coming and this one elder in the hall was spiting out kids with his wife yet here the CO is up there bragging about how they gave their lives for Jehovah.
Then the CO tried to guilt the younger ones into becoming MS's. Is he smoking crack before his talks. Anyone with half a brain can see through the hypocrisy in this. That is why in my husbands's hall there are only two MS's. One is the PO's SIL in his mid 30's and WILL NEVER BE AN ELDER because I know he see all the crap that is going on. The other MS is in his early 70's and God help the congregation if he ever becomes an elder. He is truly a suck up man if there was one and would be a Nazi elder for sure. That is it in a congregation of 80 publishers.
Of the elders there are eight now. Two are over 85 years old. There are three in their late 50's all with very good retirement's set aside then there are two are in their late 40's. One of these is the PO's COBE's other SIL and the other one is a thrid generation JW both sides of his family have been elders and this guy cannot read to save his life. As we all know school was not that important back then, also both sides of this guys family have tons of money set aside for their retirement. The last elder in the hall is in his early 30 and the PO COBE's son. Talk about a brown noiser company man this guy is one. Like I said all have money set aside for their retirement in some from. The COBE's late 40 year old SIL has a dad who is loaded and will leave him enough to get by on very well. By the way this dad also has been in the "truth" his whole life and still saved for old age. When the market crashed in 2008 this guy lost over 100,000. and did not seem to really blink an eye as he was telling everyone about it.
It is just amazing how there is such hypocrisy going on and such crazy talk and yet everyone is still eating it up. Like there are two older sisters who are in thier late 80's trying to pioneer even though their heath is horrible one broke her foot out in service and the car group let her drive home alone it just goes on and on. The youngest elder and his wife both pioneer and brag about it all the time. Yet they both have very good part time jobs with retirement plans. They have been at their job's for 10 plus years and even bought a house. Granted they could work even more but they are ridding high on the praise of the hall and the circuit and being looked up to as little god's in the religion. It would be hard for them to give that up.
OK enough about my ranting it is all just so crazy and hurtful what they are doing to people's lives by placing all this guilt on them. This talking out fo both sides of their mouths is disgusting.
Bondie I too heard the fact that Jehovah will close the womb of women in the new system like he did with Rachael in the Bible, when I was a teenager. I was told to not worry that Jehovah would make us all happy with what ever his plans were. Even if they seemed far out to us now Jehovah knows what he is doing.
It is all just so very crazy, if only people would just wake up to it.