I am so sick of being bothered by JWs(we are inactive);every weekend we can count on someone from the hall stopping by either Saturday or Sunday. It makes me mad because I know they are counting time with me. I just know it.
A sister from the hall just called to see what is wrong, why we haven't been to meetings. There were two elders on our doorstep last Saturday at 1:30 in the afternoon-I had made sure the kids and I were gone all morning and thought it safe to be back at 1:00 (my husband was working all day)
The weekend before both Saturday and Sunday someone stopped by. The weekend before that two other elders stopped by-we discussed some of the things that were bothering us. Get this: they left a couple of sisters in the car for three hours, we didn't know they were waiting in the car until the elders were leaving-how inconsiderate.
I know they are all worried and concerned but I am beginning to feel harassed. We are not ready to be DF'd or DA'd, not yet. So when people stop by, non-elders, we try to give some lame excuse about working alot.
I feel like telling them to go away, but its not in my nature to be rude nor my husband's.
Probably what we have told the elders so far has set us on our way to being DF'd. That is probably why the second set of elders came by to try to 'readjust' our thinking. How many elders' visits do they normally make on you before you get the boot?
We are really starting to enjoy life and they are ruining it. Every knock on the door I think its another JW. I need caller ID!!! I just want peace.
I had to vent a little. Thanks