i'm still laughing to myself thinking about elders/bethelites reading this messageboard. yet another contradiction to throw in the basket. didn't they always say how dangerous it is to read anything that contradicts the teachings of the wts? even a disfellowshiping offense?
but for these guys the standard is different? think of all the information presented here which completely un-does the wtbs teaching. not just random people venting/voicing their anger towards some policy which made them miserable. but actual real concrete information that truly un-does most of what the wtbs teaches.
that is always the knee-jerk superficial reaction to isnt it? that people are bitter about some dictate which made them unhappy. never that people actually took the time to research the dictate and find out it was complete nonsense?
anyway i'm actually posting this for a reason. if the afore mentioned information stated is accepted, can we not set up an equation then?
would it not be reasonable to believe that these guys do not even believe what they are teaching themselves? think about it. if these guys get the ok to come here, and try to finger people (which will expose them to massive amounts of information that completely un-does their dogma).
isn't there only one possible reason they would put their folks in the line of fire in this way? that one reason being, they dont believe it themselves. therefore there is no risk in coming here, because their motives for being "elders/bethelites" etc. has nothing to do with "a dogma". therefore, the dogma is never in jeopardy for these folks, because it's not their prime mover to begin with!
this is a very simple equation which would lead to this conclusion. the math is there. if they are always so keen on teaching that nobody is immune, anyone thinking he is something is nothing, pride before a fall etc etc etc. then what is left? there is only one conclusion. they thesmevels do not believe what they are teaching, they value their status in the wts, because they failed in the real world and some sort of status was their whole entire motivation all along. this would keep them immune no matter how much disproves their dogma, because their dogma is secondary anyway. and they will just wait for noolite if the heat gets to be to much.
you should see some of these guys when they get to be around true status. their entire attitude shifts on a dime. you think they are so pious and all this..get them around real status, their personalities shift on a dime. i've seen it many times. if you are still in that organization, try it out sometime. if you dont have any access to anyone with status, i guess you'll never know. but if you have some connection of some sort, take an elder with you sometime, and watch his entire persona disintegrate.