I do remember, but can't seem to find it, a Watchtower comment that stated. " Relatives must decide on the Emotiional needs of the DF'd relatives to see what limited contact would be necessary"
Does anyone remember this?
by Quarterback 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I do remember, but can't seem to find it, a Watchtower comment that stated. " Relatives must decide on the Emotiional needs of the DF'd relatives to see what limited contact would be necessary"
Does anyone remember this?
Hmmm ... I can find nothing on my WT Lib CD that addresses the situation you describe. Perhaps a CO in one of his talks expressed such sentiment.
Of course, a DFd family member within a household of believers would continue to be treated as a family member, excluding that member from spiritual discussions.
Living outside of that families home, however, he is on his own. I can envision where such a person living in some mental institution would have certain communication needs that the professionals may request. This could be another matter.
QB--I think I remember something about that. Possibly in a Kingdom Ministry. And if it's what I think, you may want to check around 2001 to 2003.
This is in the 08/02 KM
As for a child, the same article continues: “Sometimes Christian parents have accepted back into the home for a time a disfellowshiped child who has become physically or emotionally ill. But in each case the parents can weigh the individual circumstances. Has a disfellowshiped son lived on his own, and is he now unable to do so? Or does he want to move back primarily because it would be an easier life? What about his morals and attitude? Will he bring ‘leaven’ into the home?—Gal. 5:9.”Of course, I knew an elder around that time that determined his adult daughter was in need emotionally and let her come home. He was removed.
This probably relates to suicides from shunning family. My sons have been deprived of one set of grandparents and it is enough to send you to therapy
they are fearful-of lawsuit regarding this if someone committed suicide.
I knew of a young girl who got pregnant. She was disfellowshipped and her family and everyone she knew turned their backs on her. She had the baby and suffered from post partum depression. The child's father rejected her. Her family and friends shunned her. She shot herself to death. JW's blamed the boyfriend who rejected her. She was 19. Yeah.
SHUNNING IS EVIL. Shunning causes deaths.
It's driving me crazy. I know I read it, printed it, but somehow lost it somewhere. Thanks for some of your comments.
NC: Thanks for your research.
@New Chapter, that is discusting, could you imagine Chris Jesus doing such?
No, but somehow they can. They certainly feel righteous when they do it. But the fact is, we will never know what was on her mind at the time. No one was speaking to her. She lived in another state, and I only knew her through others. So they soothe their consciences by saying it was the boyfriend's fault.