Classic DPL!!! If you think about it, back in the day they were all about, "Advertise! Advertise! Advertise!" Radio, billboards, loud speakers, newspapers, even openly debating with other religious denominations!(granted it was other denominations that had splintered from the Bible Students movement)
Check this out, in this day and age of multi and mass media, when a disaster is impending, the goverment and other social causes do what they have to do in order to notify people, evacuate if necessary even by force, give vaccines and immunizations, use public warning broadcast systems that will interrupt whatever is on the television or radio at the time, and they do this because people's lives are that important to them!!!! They even do public broadcast tests, that's right, tests! Right, dead smack in the middle of whatever program you're watching. "This is a test, this is only a test, of the emergency broadcast system. If this were an emergency, yadda yadda yadda..."
Nowadays, the WT approaches more cunningly, by delivering a watered down message that doesn't even include Armageddon, but rather they present a picture of paradise where there will be no problems, but they don't talk about what happens before the paradisaic conditions. No, I guess a Great Tribulation and Armageddon simply isn't that important to forewarn their neighbors. Or maybe its because advertising about an impending Armageddon will leave them looking like Harold Camping? Camping got out his message in a matter of months, and accomplished something the Watchtower hasn't been able to do since the 70's. However, when his message failed, so did his credibility and his physical health probably from all the stress due to disappointment, not to mention all of his disillusioned followers. I'm sure all of that wasn't lost on the Watchtower, neither was their 75" fiasco either.
The reality is, the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses, serves no other purpose than busybody work.