My Facebook Page, "God is not divided" is not responded to.

by shechaiyah 70 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • shechaiyah

    I thought the topic of religion would be a great one for Facebook.

    Wow, was I wrong about that.

    The only people are show any interest at all are Catholics.

    Witnesses seem to avoid every venue where somebody ELSE might show up.

    Zionists do likewise; but they have a different reason.

    But, God YHVH is God of the whole earth, is my point.

    Anybody got any idea what I can do to stimulate GODLY conversation on my page?

    I'm tryin' to minister to the merely-confused as Witnesses do Out in Service.


  • mummatron
    Anybody got any idea what I can do to stimulate GODLY conversation on my page?
    I'm tryin' to minister to the merely-confused as Witnesses do Out in Service.

    Facebook have a fantastic tool for this. It's called 'Ads':!/business/ads/

    Pay them a small fee and you can target who sees your page advertised on what they already like or have listed in their info.

  • ProdigalSon

    But, God YHVH is God of the whole earth, is my point.

    Umm, no, and your own BIble says he's not. You REALLY need to read this thread...

  • Hortensia

    Maybe it's a sign that not everyone sees the world the way you do. Maybe it means no one is interested?

  • AnneB

    Seems to me you're asking in the wrong place. Why not ask God?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Sex sells.

  • shechaiyah
    Seems to me you're asking in the wrong place. Why not ask God?

    God is aware of generativity codes: Gravity, light diffraction, DNA-coding.

    What's going on down here, He has to infer.

    So, we're talking about it--what might actually work.

  • AnneB

    Well then, ask him for the best approach for DNA coding.

    Q. Do you believe that God is the Hearer of Prayer?

  • shechaiyah

    God (whether you call Him "Yahweh" or something else is a matter of relationship) --

    is telepathic, clair audient and clair voyant.

    Who can REACH HIM are Other Telepaths, Clair Audients and Clair Voyants.

    Prayer is nothing but Telepathy.

    Okay. But that doesn't clear up Uncertainty about what approach is most appropriate at any given moment.


  • Scully

    Well, Shekkie my dear, the way Facebook works is that if you want someone to read your stuff, they should be friends with you first.

    It's also a good idea to put some boundaries in your profile settings to keep the whack-a-doodles out.

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