Why, attending the Pioneer Service School in the Bahamas recently was a ten-year-old baptized girl, the daughter of two full-time ministers!
by Marvin Shilmer 16 Replies latest jw friends
Why, attending the Pioneer Service School in the Bahamas recently was a ten-year-old baptized girl, the daughter of two full-time ministers!
Blondie, I've heard that one before. But it doesn't say that Samuel went by himself and made a sacrafice all by himself. So that elder needs to pick a better example. Have you also heard the one about Timothy? Well, Timothy was spiritual at a young age. True, but according to the context of the Bible, he must have been no younger than 20 (probably much older, but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt). So he was at least a young MAN before making such a commitment to Christianity. Again, that example holds no water.
We have to face this fact: Baptism of children is just as immoral/pointless/futile as baptism of infants. And while I don't agree with Catholiscm, I don't think it's fair to Catholics when JWs blast them for infant baptism.
Miz, I've personally known of girls and boys who got baptized at VERY young ages and climbed the ranks of pioneer, special pioneer, blah-blah-blah. And guess what? All of them have left the "Truth." Riddle me that, Batman.
I attended a Circuit a few years ago where they gave the personal experience of an 8 year old baptised regular pioneer girl and the same of her 10 year old sister. How their parents kept them on a very strict schedule that consisted primarily of "spiritual" things. It was very heart wrenching to hear this girl say that she really misses watching Saturday morning cartoons due to their having to go out in "early morning witnessing". A sister/friend who was with me and I gave each other the WTF look. Of course everyone in the audience clapped and the speaker praise them both for their "putting spiritual things first". Nevermind that you are condoning the actions of the parents to not give their daughters a damn normal childhood or to hold them accountable at such a young age for whatever "sin" they commit. Disgusting indeed.
Miz, I've personally known of girls and boys who got baptized at VERY young ages and climbed the ranks of pioneer, special pioneer, blah-blah-blah. And guess what? All of them have left the "Truth." Riddle me that, Batman.
I attended a Circuit a few years ago where they gave the personal experience of an 8 year old baptised regular pioneer girl and the same of her 10 year old sister. How their parents kept them on a very strict schedule that consisted primarily of "spiritual" things. It was very heart wrenching to hear this girl say that she really missed watching Saturday morning cartoons due to their having to go out in "early morning witnessing". A sister/friend who was with me and I gave each other the WTF look. Of course everyone in the audience clapped and the speaker praise them both for their "putting spiritual things first". Nevermind that you are condoning the actions of the parents to not give their daughters a damn normal childhood. Disgusting indeed.
Something my father has occasionally stated is that some JW parents raise their children to hate Jehovah. I think when you consider the 2/3 figure of born-ins leaving, you're looking at an entire group of 3rd and 4th generation JWs who absolutely want nothing to do with this religion, and the reasons why are what's mentioned in this very thread. Too bad the pharisaic clowns in Bethel are too arrogant and sheltered to figure it out.
Something my father has occasionally stated is that some JW parents raise their children to hate Jehovah.
Man, they flip flop so much on this thing. Okay, Miz, let's say for a second that your old man is right. Well, what about parents who did everything possible to keep their kids in this religion and they still wound up leaving? Or what about parents who did NOTHING to encourage their kids in ANYTHING and their kids ended up being COs and all? It's all a crapshoot.
I know that I don't want my kids getting baptized (preferrably at all) but at least not until they can make their own decisions as ADULTS. I wouldn't let my kids get baptized at 12, then they might do something that comes naturally a few years later and end up not being able to talk to their own father.
I think I can speak for any born in JW man that all that indoctrination about Jehovah, moral cleanliness, Joseph running away from Potipher's wife, blah blah blah GOES RIGHT OUT THE FACKING WINDOW WHEN YOU FIND YOURSELF PARKED IN THE WOODS IN THE BACKSEAT OF YOUR MERCURY WITH A VERY AFFECTIONATE AND VERY UNDRESSED BRUNETTE.
fellas, am I right or am I right?
Ladies, you have powerful assets that all the religious values in the world are powerless against.
Brainwashing a child and giving them a disadvantaged start in life is disgusting and criminal as far as I'm concerned. Yes, many ex-JW's turn out quite successful, but putting a child through school as an outcast, not permitting them to be friends with the other kids at school, not permitting them to broaden their horizons with extra-curricular activities, discouraging higher education, risking their lives by denying blood transfusions, instilling a deep sense of guilt/fear/dread/whatever towards a murderous imaginary god, and on and on, does not help a child optimally or even normally develop the skills to live well in this world.