They Fear Us

by metatron 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    You're right. They should fear brainwashing from this or other sites,

    After all, many of them have had their powers of critical
    reasoning drained away by years of Watchtower babble.
    They may only have a few working neurons left.


  • moman

    Fredie, you are not worthy to wash the feet of good people like Ray Franz!
    I don't think you are truly a dub, nobody could be that brain-dead!
    you just like given people trouble, don't ya Fredie, just must be a very sad & lonely little man.

  • ianao

    HenryP "Barked": Yes, there is a certain fear from forums such as this.

    Yes I agree. I find you witnesses to be continuously feeding your worst fears simply by believing the drivel you spout. You give more power to your perception of satan than any other religion I have ever come accross. Legalist Superstition at it's finest.

    You further "Spewed":JWs are fearful of those that try to brainwash them.

    Which explains why cult-victims such as yourself would be greatly afraid of revealing your actions of posting to this board to your congregation. I believe your cult has done a remarkable job of conditioning fear in you.

  • 2SYN

    A few working neurons left? Hell man, the Governing Body needs to call in members of the Bethel Toilet Cleaning Staff to raise the combined IQ of the people at their meetings above ZERO! *LOL*

    The sad tr00F is that nobody can save most of the Dubs. They are just too well programmed. The code in their heads is tight, very tight, and they for the most part BELIEVE in what they are doing. Only a few of the brighter ones actually research what they are regurgitated by the WTBTS, and those soon leave when they see what is really going on. The one defining characteristic of most Dubs is the ability to be utterly deceived. Unfortunately the WTBTS is one of the greatest Memes of all time, ranking right up there with Democracy, Literacy, Art, Communism, and Capitalism. Being a powerful meme, I don't see it dying off anytime soon.

    In my estimation, the WTBTS has become so entrenched and powerful that it's taken on a life of it's own, and it won't be killed easily. Think about it - why do Dub parents teach their children about Jehovah and the Bible? Because of their faith? Their "faith" is just a very potent Meme that lives inside their brains, reproduces by infecting yet more minds, changing and evolving and becoming more powerful along the way. It's effectively a pattern of synapse firing which has taken on a very disturbing life of it's own by finding a way to reproduce. In my opinion most forms of religion are variants of this Meme, with the special WTBTS meme being an exceedingly successful variant, as it engenders it's own propogation and survival thanks to isolating harmful influences to it's survival (ie. people who think) from those who are still fully infected by it, and isolates those it infects from all uninfected people, mainly contacting the uninfected ones by testing their susceptability to infection, then infecting them too. This thing is like a virus - it can't lose.

    We are the antibiotics. We will rupture the protein membrane surrounding the WTBTS, and prime the world's immune system to recognise it's exposed RNA sequences and destroy it.

    Anyone else care to share their thoughts/flame me about this theory? I'm always open to suggestion, unlike SOME people on this board...

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • voltaire


    What you say about someone defecting or an unexpectedly successful lawsuit reminds me of big tobacco. They fought for years, but eventually one lawsuit got through. Then came the leaking of internal documents. Once that sort of thing gets started it can quickly get out of control. They are right to be afraid.

    It also reminds me of what an Irish terrorist said about the efforts of law enforcment officials to stop attacks on public officials. "They have to be lucky every time, we only have to be lucky once." The efforts to make the WT pay will produce a winning case someday, and then it may snowball out of control.

  • metatron

    Good for you, voltaire

    The whole Watchtower sits on a foundation of ignorance.
    Who can say where the fatal puncture will come from?


  • Satanus


    successful lawsuit reminds me of big tobacco. They fought for years, but eventually one lawsuit got through.
    God points, but notice that people still smoke. I don't know if the numbers of smokers is going up or down. Also, remember the big kerfuffle when the rc church lifted the ban on eating meat on fridays. Many catholics left, others were upset. But the church lives on. My point is that as long as there are people who desire to smoke, or desire the crutch the wt gives, these industries will continue, no matter how much information exposes them.


  • Mindchild


    I can appreciate your analogy about the WTS being one of the most powerful memes around. I also agree with you that this meme won’t be killed easily. The religious meme is one of the most enduring memes of all time and I share the belief that this mind virus has evolved to the point of being a successful variant. You can reasonably compare the WTS mind virus with the biological form of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency.)

    Consider these similarities between HIV (a known source for causing AIDS) and the WTS mind virus:

    1. They both propagate themselves through biological hosts
    2. They are both long lived pathogens
    3. They both attack the hosts immune system (WT ideology destroys your ability to thing critically and effectively)
    4. They are both totalizing in their effects on the host
    5. They both mutate rapidly (consider that all the original teachings of C.T. Russel are now totally obsolete.
    6. They are both highly infectious
    7. They are both passed on by human intercourse (talking in the case of the dubs)
    8. They can both lie dormant for years then reactivate themselves
    9. They are both very difficult to stop spreading
    10. The treatment for surviving infection from both require aggressive and strong action
    11. Their origin came from previous viruses (components of WTS ideology are found in other belief systems as well)
    12. There are millions of victims world wide suffering from both viruses.
    13. They can both cause death of the host, and extended physical suffering
    14. They are both opportunistic pathogens and take advantage of personal weakness
    15. When the victim realizes that he has been diagnosed with either virus, he is often very depressed.

    I’m sure there are probably more similarities others can add to the list but these are what came to my mind immediately.

    Regardless, just as there are people who survived and prosper from the HIV virus there are people who survive the WTS mind fucking as well. There is also hope that just as dangerous pathogens sometimes will evolve into a more benign form of virus that allows the host to lead a somewhat normal life, that the WT memes will likewise change in time to be just another watered down version of the general body of religious memes and won’t be a totalizing and deadly event.

    We can just hope that the mutations we are seeing now in the WTS ideology, like the earthquake “new light” are representative of things to come. I hope to see the day come when someone tells me that they are a Jehovah’s Witness that I don’t have to jump back 5 feet and cross my fingers at them and hiss.

    Kind Regards from a WTS survivor,


  • ashitaka

    HenryP, at least your grammar is correct.

    I think we are feared, but hated more than feared. Only dumb kids like Freddie Hall don't fear us. They make blanket statements and have nothing to back it up; such is the ignorance of youth.

    The fogeys know; we're people to be dealt with.


  • Solace

    We do not need to fear or take seriously the W.T.S teachings, or people speaking in behalf of the society.
    They are not from God.
    (W.T.S New World Translation) Deuteronomy 18:22 reads,
    "When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You need NOT fear him".

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