That's what happens when they all walk around carrying guns like they're BIC pens.
"Do stupid things.......Get stupid results".
by nicolaou 101 Replies latest social current
That's what happens when they all walk around carrying guns like they're BIC pens.
"Do stupid things.......Get stupid results".
J-Dubbed - "That's what happens when they all walk around carrying guns like they're BIC pens."
But... but... how else will we defend ourselves when the Illuminati / New World Order / Reptilians try and take over?
Not sure what that has to do with gun rights. For every crazy idiotic moron with a gun there are 10 thousand responsible ones. But you don't hear about those.
That is the crux of the matter. IF the facts about all the safe, sane, responsible firearm owners were presented with the same level of persistence as the stories that portray firearms in a negative light there may be fewer frightened people. A firearm is nothing more than a tool. Like a chain saw it does nothing just sitting there. It is only when used that it has results, and improper use is dangerous, but used properly at the right time, and in the right manner any firearm is good. Of all the numerous firearms I own NOT ONE has ever hurt or killed a person. . .EVER!
It's funny, whenever there is some shooting accident many people immediately start leaping to defend gun ownership as though it negates the incident.
What happens when there is a dangerous driving death or hit-and-run? Do people feel the need to defend cars and point out the many thousands of responsible drivers as though it negates the incident? No - so why with guns?!?
Why can't the response be, like vehicles, "we need to ensure that only responsible people are allowed to used them". Pass a test, have a license, get your license revoked if you are an eedjit.
Driving a vehicle is a responsibility, not a right. Why is owning a lethal weapon regarded as just a right ...
Nice way to frame the issue Simon! I haven't been in the states for several years, but my first thought was: what kind of country has it become where people feel it is normal to be armed when going shopping? Here in Poland, besides criminals, only military, police or hunters have weapons. I could get one if I went thru the required training, screening, paperwork, etc - but I don't feel the need. Death by guns here is orders of magnitudes different than in the US (for some reason) and 30% of the ones we have are suicide related.
When I go to Tesco (Walmart equivalent) to buy some dog food, the last thing on my mind is: where is my heat?
It`s a rather crude way of weeding out stupid people..
Give them a Gun!..LOL!!..
I feel sorry for the little kid..
Can you really equate guns with cars? There is only one design absolute for a gun,that is to kill.
There is only only reason to carry one, to defend yourself from other people with guns who want to kill you. The 2nd amendment has become America's burden and shame. There, that's my sweeping statement of the day.
By the way, see the Darwin Awards if the site is still going. Edit (Sorry BOC, great minds)
Simmon.... to use your analogy it goes both ways, nobody calls for banning cars every time there is an accident. Nobody says we have a psychotic relationship with our cars. That is why some of us feel a need to defend our rights.
"why is owing a lethal weapon considered just a right" Have you read the constitution?
Nothing else that I know can take a elderly Lady and make her an exact equal to the most hardened gang banger. If you don't have a right to defend your own life, you don't have ANY rights.