So what? Who cares?
Do you view the word "Apostate as derogatory"
by mankkeli 27 Replies latest jw friends
breakfast of champions
My wife once told me,"Sometimes I feel like I'm living with an apostate."
I replied, " I think of myself as more of a heretic."
She just laughed.'Apostate' is loaded language, and so I do not like it.
I view "apostasy" as having learned what goes on behind the religion and taking a view that reflects that viewpoint instead of the front they are trying to teach. And it is not necessarily true apostasy--in true apostasy, a person needs to have learned the real truth, have near-perfect knowledge of this truth, and then willfully abandon it. And, since most people cannot know the full truth because religion and society biases nearly every interpretation, I wonder if true apostasy is even possible today.
White Dove
Only if they use it.
Only if it's used against someone they way they use it.
I actually like to wear the term to make fun of it.
Aposta-fests, aposta-closet, etc.
Three observations:
1) I read something recently that said Muslims speak of non-Muslims as apostates.
2) The words apostates and heretics are virtually interchangeable.
3) The Watchtower intends that its use of the word apostate will be singularly derogatory and shameful.Therefore embrace your enemy's label and show the world that you will not be manipulated by others views of you nor silenced. Recent examples where 'victims' of derogatory labels have risen up and seized hold of the hateful label:
Homosexuals were slagged and humiliated by that blunt English word "queer"; now they use it freely among themselves;
Women have done the same recently, as when a male adademic intoned that women who dress as sluts are asking to be raped. Women came out and said, 'Just because we dress like sluts, doesn't mean men can break the law'.
Finally, during the civil rights movement, then 'African-Americans' embraced a word that had often be used in a derogatory way against them, 'Blacks', leading to that fantastic song by Nina Simone, 'Young, Gifted & Black'.
Doesn't bother me but I don't use it to define myself; it's a label from a group I no longer believe in or identify with, so why use their terms?
I wear the name a badge of honor!
man oh man
You call me an apostate!
It makes my heart palpitate!
It's just a lie you promulgate!
You preach lies to discombobulate!
But only with facts I substantiate!
Because of this I should disassociate!
You can hallucinate, I will validate!
You can insinuate, I will just abate!
You can prevaricate, I will vindicate!
Why not just call me by my first name Nate?