This guy enjoys his fun time!
Do You Think President Obama Takes Too Many Vacations?
by minimus 82 Replies latest jw friends
Dude, being the POTUS is hard work.
No. If he left for three or four weeks at a time, then shame on him. But a few days here and what? He's a family man and his children and wife deserve his time and attention.
No. It's just another thing to distract people from the real issues. He actually has less time off than I got at my job.
GWB took 3 times as much vacation if you don't count Camp David for either of them. If you do, he took 4 times as much! LOL
It seems he's always partying, vacationing, having a good old time. Perception can be a bitch.
the american dream
his paycheck gets delivered regularly, and there's no chance of the check bouncing!
you question him and you get investigated (like S & P)
Do any of them ever get a "real" vacation anyway? It doesn't bother me when a prez takes vacation--republican or democrat. We are not served by robots in the White House----yet. We don't want any embarrassing break downs. LOL