Hi Everyone,
All of you have raised valid objections to my example of the Michael Jackson donation. Yes, this was in the public eye so that would have made acceptance a PR nightmare. The UN deal, as we all know, was done behind the backs of the rank and file. That is how the WTS was able to get away with it for nearly ten years. And, ziddina, I don't know if Jackson's mother offered the donation. If she did, perhaps at the prompting of Michael himself, I'm sure the Society would have gladly taken it.
All of this reminds me of a story about the building of the Colosseum in Rome. Emperor Vespasian was running short of cash for the project. He then hit upon the novel idea of making people pay to empty the public urinals in Rome, the world's first "pay toilets", as it were. He did so because the city's dry cleaners would collect the urine, distill ammonia from it, and then use that ammonia in their dry cleaning process. The emperor decided to makie the dry cleaners pay for the privilege.
Well, this didn't sit too well his the emperor's son, Trajan, who told his father he should be ashamed to be taxing piss. In reply the emperor gave his son an evil smile, and then put one of the gold tax coins under his son's nose, telling him to sniff deeply. When Trajan did so, telling his father he could smell nothing and what was the point, the emperor replied, "Money has no odor. Did this money come from a man's pouch or his piss?" Trajan got the point. I have the feeling the WTS is just as unconcerned about the sources of its donations too.