Mary - Enjoy work!
Black Sheep - She doesn't get humour, sarcasm or wit. I'll tell a joke and it's 'Duh! I don't get it? Y'what? Duh?'
M2theMob - When I've been happy she's even said I left the WTB$ because I must be depressed. I just flat out said that the WTB$ has trained her to blame me for not believing but never the GB. They are God's mouthpiece and above reproach!'
.............and I've had all the 'they're just imperfect men. Whaere else will you go?'
I've even been told....but you're doing NOTHING with your life!
Well if doing SOMETHING with my life equates to failed circus, regular visits to the Kingdum Hell and A$$€m?£i€$ and that ISN'T a waste of time..........................nuff said