Leave your cadaver to medical science ??????

by alliwannadoislive 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • alliwannadoislive

    Interesting little thought ...

    I've decided to dedicate my body to medical school, and just before I die, I'm going to swallow a little plastic toy. That way, the medical student who cuts me open will get a nice surprise. I just hope the other medical students aren't sad because they didn't get a toy with their cadaver, too. "Ruminations" from topfive.com

    2 Questions:-

    1 Would you dedicate your body to medical science? and
    2 What would you swallow just before dying for your student to find?

  • LittleToe

    1. Yes.
    2. A small shark/dogfish and a compressed coke can.

    I think it would be far cooler to fall into a bog, at the point of death, leaving my remains to be found many years from now.

    Archaeologist: "Hey, a totally intact Homo Sapien Sapien!"
    ArchaeologistStudent: "Yes, and look at the contents of the stomach - this was a real predator, they ate anything!"

  • wonderwoman77

    I am in school to become an occupational therapist and I took gross anatomy and had the 'pleasure' of disecting a cadaver. We did not cut open the stomach or intestines though. However your body passes a lot of stuff after you die, so your toy might not even be in there anymore...

    But yes I would donate my body, without the toy...:)

  • Carmel

    Hey, toy in cadaver like plastic toy in cracker jacks? What next will the medical profession dream up to get new student enrolees?


  • alliwannadoislive

    in some ways i'd like to go for a caramel centre

    the soft-centres always get chosen first right ?

  • ofcmad

    alliwanna -
    You can achieve the creamy middle by swallowing a tub of cool whip.
    I don't mind dying... I just don't want to be around when it happens.


    The only bad thing about the cool whip is that it will cause cavities.

    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma
  • cellomould

    If you are an organ donor and wind up in critical condition, the hospital will put salvaging your body parts ahead of saving your life.

    I suppose that's okay if they knew of a particular patient who'd be likely to live because of your gift.

    Otherwise, it's kinda unfair.

    I have thought about being an organ donor, though. Now about my whole body....

    I dunno.

    Maybe when I am old and wrinkled I will sign that waiver. Not just yet.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • hippikon

    Leave your body to science? Can I use it untill then?

  • hippikon

    Perhaps I should swallow a Jack n the Box. Man that would scare the shit out of them wouldnt it. Like something out of Allien!

  • Xena

    1. Yes I would...

    2. Well since I hope I die while having sex (don't we ALL, really???)...what do you think I will be swallowing????

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