p. 130-131 (ZG edition)
Rev. 14:19 ... ...
Many of the clergy are today followers of Darwin and Socrates instead of Moses and Christ. And both Darwin and Socrates were mentally unsound. The following is from Dr. Dorland's The Age of Mental Virility: "It is likewise exceptional to find an unusually short nose, such as that possessed by Darwin and Socrates, among men of intellect. Nasal abbreviation is one of the well-known signs of degeneracy, as is also the sessile or otherwise misshapen ear, the sugar-loaf skull, the close-set eyes, and other physiognomic irregularities, including the cretinoid face. The latter, strange to relate, has been noted in certain men of remarkable genius, including Darwin, and Carlyle, Rembrandt, Pope and Socrates. I wish to emphasize at this point the assertion that not every individual who chances to possess one of the above mentioned physical peculiarities is to be immediately stamped as a degenerate. It is only when there is a combination of two or more of these traits, especially if this combination has been noted as a family peculiarity, that the suspicion will be awakened: and this may then be confirmfed and the condition established by close and careful investigation" "Socrates," writes Pedigo, "presented one of the most interesting studies in dual personality and subconscious conditions in all history in his memorable demon, which he said guided him and inspired him with wisdom." "Herbert Spencer was the victim of a fixed delusion."
1. 4 classes of believers, not 2
I counted six - (p. 224, ZG edition) on Ezek. 40-48, 'The Classes'!!!
4. Leviathan = the locomotive
5. The importance of the distance from Scranton, PA to Brooklyn, NY WT HQ by way of the Hoboken ferry.
Hilarious reading. Go check out the section where it discusses the different prophets (after Rev. 4:10) particularly focusing on Nahum and Job, dpl. Then the part on Rev. 14:20 "a thousand and [six] TWO hundred furlongs." Priceless.