Why So Many Young People Are Leaving The Watchtower

by Jeremy C 140 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rivergang

    Although from 10 years ago, still an excellent post - not that I expect things to have in any way changed in JW land! Regrettable, though, that this site no longer seems to feature posts like this one; neither in its depth, nor the topic covered.

  • mynameislame

    Funny I was thinking about this today. Has it gotten worse since this was originally posted? There's really not much in it for a young person. I was a dedicated JW when I was in. Looking back it wasn't because I really knew what it was all about. I don't think my dad, the elder, ever had a bible study with me. I remember Saturdays after service consisted of him saying "I'm going to take a nap. When I wake up we'll study." That was my cue to head out for the afternoon.

    I guess what was in it for me was being popular for pioneering. That meant I had a good excuse for living at home with my parents and not having a full time job.

  • Rocketman123

    Younger people today are much more wiser and educated to accept old religious dogma and beliefs from religions like the JWS.

    True to be said for many religions that exist today

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    A big part of the reason why I ended up avoiding literature critical of the WT's teachings and of the Bible while a teen and thus getting baptized, was that I placed too much credence on the idea of being obedient to what the Bible says, including obeying one's parents and avoiding apostate teachings. Obedience in many matters is important, but obedience is over rated. If I was less obedient (to what the WT said about the Bible), while living in my parent's house I would gone to the library to study pro evolution books and pro atheism books (if I could find the latter) to see if the WT religion (and even Christianity as a whole and even the Bible) is mostly false. It is unlikely I could have found any ex-JW literature back then in the libraries or elsewhere, but I could have at least tested the claims of the Bible. I did some research back then on evolution, the concept of Bible prophecies having been fulfilled, the existence of Jesus Christ as a historical person, and the correctness of WT interpretations of the Bible, but I only used WT sources for my study (other than a few science articles that commented on evolution; and what I read in my school's biology book while in the classroom [the biology teacher said students couldn't take the biology book home]). I didn't look up the quotes the WT made from secular sources; if I had, at least on the topic of evolution, it would have made a huge difference!

    I was extremely bored attending the KH meetings and going out in FS but I did those activities (including while as an adult living on my own for several years) because I thought that was required of me by Jehovah God. I thus did what I thought was my duty, though I otherwise didn't want to do it.

  • goingthruthemotions

    when we got involved in 2008 our older son was 9 or 10 and younger son was 4 or 5.

    The other kids were A-holes to our boys. Although my wife would never defend our son's she always

    stuck up for the other kids.

    This Cult has nothing to offer kids except for fear.

    at the age of 12 or 13 my older son told me he thought it was all shite and didn't want anything to do with the

    cult. shortly after I stopped going. I remember my younger son went with the wife a few times and one day at the age of 10 he called me and told me to pick him up from the hall. He told me he is never going back.

    Yes, Both boys are now 22 and 17 and free thinkers. My wife barely talks with them and me. She is such an outstanding wife, a great example of what a wife and mother should not be.

    Wow, not sure how much longer I could stay in this marriage.

    Bottom line is, young ones stay in due to fear. Just all the other sheeple who stay in. FEAR, Obligation and Guilt

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    There is no meat to the message. Constant harping on no education or getting g ahead. Lack of suitable marriage mates (even for boys)

    Seeing the one way money path.

    The buffoons being put front and center on broadcasts.

    Watching grandma/pa and parents get old and die penniless.

  • Phizzy

    I am surprised how many young ones do stay, but having said that, all the ones I have met recently, or heard of, who are either out or working towards it are pretty young, the oldest was 42, and he told me the names of lots of his younger mates who were Awake at least.

    Sadly the older ones are now stuck in until they die I guess. As an Elder said to me just after I left " All the intelligent ones have left" ( I hope he included me in that group !".)

    I miss Jeremy C and Posters of his Stature too.

  • Magnum

    'JWs are bullied by their leaders to stay ignorant or suffer the penalty.'

    Damn, that's good; got to remember that!

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    "All the intelligent ones have left" Talk about cognitive dissonance

  • Phizzy

    "All the intelligent ones have left" Talk about cognitive dissonance".

    Yes, I thought it strange at the time. Shortly before I left this guy resigned as an Elder, stopped answering at meetings, and used to just sit there reading the Bible, not listening to the waffle, so I guess he had wakened up a bit ! He and his wife started missing Meetings, and she told me "they did not take the religion as seriously now ".

    They both remained in, officially, because they have a huge extended family still in and I guess didn't want to lose contact with them. It must be painful to know it is Bullshit, and have to put on a bit of a show, to stay in. But that is the fate of many.

    The sad thing too, is that it may well be the kids and grandkids are staying in because of this very couple still being in ! I bet they have never discussed it.

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