I don't think WT is directly responsible for this either. I don't think I knew any mothers that would do such a thing to their daughter, but who knows behind closed doors. However it aggravates the situation 50 fold.
This is a myth that many people believe. The WT makes ignorance okay. If a person admitted the only reading they ever did was from the bible and WT literature, that would be fine, even applauded in some circles. The WT gives them a false sense of intelligence. The wisdom of man is foolishness.
Then there is the issue of punishment. WT knows no degree. They treat a murderer with the same severity as someone accused of loose conduct. And a person who no longer agrees with all of their teachings is worse than both. How does a simpleton woman who thinks she is educated and believes old wive's tales handle perceived infractions? She shoots squirrels with elephant guns.
The parent/child bond is interfered with from birth. Every JW giving birth knows that they must be willing to walk away from their bundle of joy, not because they make that decision themselves (sometimes necessary with dangerous adult children) but at the whim of 3 uneducated men. And they won't even be allowed to ask why, they simply must submit. How can a proper bond or empathy form between them---or with anyone for that matter. Three men can step in at any time and bust the family up. It's best to keep a bit of a wall there.
Those assemblies simply aren't healthy for many people. We weren't made to exist in huge auditoriums for days with very little movement, far from bathrooms with long lines. Some can handle it fine. But the young, the old, the sick have a very hard time. But they aren't met with much compassion. Parents are reminded all day to keep their kids seated and quiet. If you walk around with a young child (like I used to) to help them deal with normal, healthy energy, smug teenage brothers with signs flash them at you asking that you return to your seat.
Yeah, the WT is not directly responsible for this ignorant and evil behavior. But they are not innocent.