Alright so I wanted to catch up on some of my old posts and compare the old wonderful me, to the new wonderful me. Tried like mad to log in as Hyghlandyr and even tried using the email I thought I had subscribbed with. But come on, it was like 9 years ago. NINE years....Holy Odin's Left Eyesocket. So finally I had to create a new account which didn't send to my email any notification. So I tried another account. And finally it was approved and here we are and here I am looking back over stuff I wrote NINE years ago.
NINE years? REALLY? It seems like two years ago or something.
What's changed? I've gotten fatter, and prettier to look upon of course. Did you 'spect any different? Life's gotten better, more exciting. Work's gotten better. Relationships better.
In any case hows the peeps doin' out there?
Kind Regards,
Aoirthoir AN Broc (yes that is now my legal name under Common Law)